Another month has passed and I'm sure we've all been busy taking the time to hone in on our resolutions and really make those committments. You know, I think 2018 is gonna be the year we come together as a community and love each other with open arms, just to really say "Fuck 2017!". I can't wait to get into this, so let's see what we have this month!
Believer "My worry is that this isn't going to reach those that don't comment ( most of the site) and we slowly become this circle jerk club that likes each others comments ad nauseum. The fact that we aren't seeing newer commentators makes me worried this is how its gonna be for a while."
Oh by the way, upon the above request from the last shoutout, I tried to find some new faces this time. So if you're a popular boy or girl who didn't make it this month don't yell at Uncle Kinky. We're diversifying this bitch.
*Note that to preserve my sanity, this article focuses on comments posted in January 2018.
Additionally, if any panel catches your eye, click the picture to be directed to it.
Alexander "Stop with all the fucking Trap shit. Seriously every fucking update has multiple doujins filled with this crap."
Hold up boy. First, we need more trap shit okay! Second! There's not even that many trap doujins on this site. Some updates are only straight shit.
Hentai121 "Yeah, we should all pander to our precious Alexander, Snowflake generation ftw~"
Damn I thought I was the one being savage. Hentai just pushed it up a notch.
shownowmercy "alot of the time when i watch something in the dragon ball series, i want to see a good doujin usually involving the darker-haired girls, but no matter where i look, and even including the doujins with girls that arent dark-haired, they always suck. rip"
Well judging by the dislikes on the doujin, the people agree. Hopefully Fighterz will spice up the scene.
MonseurNipples "fuck this site"
Alright fuck it, I give up.
The site's shitty, comments are shitty, this idea was shitty, we're calling it off. We're offically cancelling this program. Everybody go home, human interaction hurts.
OddestBall "Yeah, I don't mind this [Comment Shoutouts] being a thing, and I'm not saying that out of narcissism."
Ay man come on... I know you don't really mean that. You want this shit to die out with the rest of us.
lightslayer "Wouldn't mind seeing something like this every month or two. Couple of these got bookmarked cause I haven't read them yet."
...Alright alright, fuck it, we're gonna keep drudging on. (Cue You Say Run)
iBlackMonster "Such a wondrous sight of perfection. The circumference of the beauteous gluteus maximus. The eyes will stray away from this. As an ass man, the title is definitely true to its words. DAT ASS. Oh, oh, I must control myself I must see all of this ass before I truly let myself become overjoyed by it.
I see where Breath of the Wild got its name...
omega0915 "Naoto found that last paring un-bear-able, and bear-ly kept herself from murder-suicide. She had to bear the scars from witnessing this grizzly scene."
I’m bear-y happy that you left such a wonderful comment. Fuck that shit. I was going to do more bear puns but I’m not godlike like omega. Keep it up.
Man this has been the longest comment shoutout yet, and I think I learned a lot from this one. I'm changing my resolution altogether. This year I'm gonna dedicate more time to respect. Respecting each other, respecting different viewpoints and opinions, and most importantly, respecting women. I wish you guys the best of luck on your year moving forward, and I'll be back next month as long as you want it.
Let me know your thoughts below! (Even if they're salty)
>Yeah, and fuck this doujin. I hate this NTR shit too. Android 18 deserves better.
I'm sorry for y'all shit taste.