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Doujins 4.43 Update - Audio Doujins for iOS, Public Translation Request Leaderboard
By Paul Fidika • 5 years ago
•  5879  •   2 16

Two years ago we introduced the new Doujins 4.0 UI, and it's been a huge success; thanks for your continued support guys! This week's update comes courtesy of our new web-devs (you can reach them on our Discord Server at @dxwebmaster#6786 and @meleeman#1596).

The Translation Request Leaderboard is Now Public!

One of the innovative new features we introduced two years ago was our translation request leaderboard, which allows users to vote on what doujins, CGsets, or hentai manga they want to see translated by us next. Previously this board was hidden away, reserved only for our premium-members, but today we're opening it up for everyone.

-Free-users will receive one vote per week
-Premium-users will receive 10 votes per week
-Your vote-count restocks every Tuesday; be sure to come back and cast your vote once a week!
-Votes don't stack; use them or lose them!
-If you see something you really like, invite your friends to help come stuff the ballot box ;)

(Note: Only premium members can add new items to the request leaderboard for other users to vote on.)

Audio Doujin Fix for iOS

One of the most common bug reports we recieve is that audio-doujins don't work for iOS devices (iPhone). This bug is now squashed! We also retooled how the slideshow works: on mobile you now tap once to toggle between playing / pausing, and swipe left to go to the next image, or swipe right to go to the previous image. You can also toggle the audio on or off, when available.

If you have any issues, encounter any bugs, or want to request some changes or new features, comment below; we love to hear from our fans! Thanks guys.

befesig 5 years ago
fucking yeah! thank you doujins
Anon - shelduck 5 years ago
nice updates! i didn't realize audio was already working on my iphone 11 haha. xD
Anon - jake5488 5 years ago
Finally-!!! Thank you!
Anon - thecore376 5 years ago
Absolutely great updates and improvements. The slideshow is now responsive when I swipe images unlike before.

Kudos to fixing the audio on iphone. It was terrible before.
Anon - anon 5 years ago
Any word on giving us more words for comments?
blur12 5 years ago
us pleb can finally have the rights to vote. lol
Anon - Old iPad Dude 5 years ago
Hello, ever since this update, I have been unable load features on this website on my older iPad that still runs iOS 9, such as the comment sections, the polls, and doujins themselves. Did this update discontinue support for these older models in some way?
Anon - hero1408 5 years ago
thanks . ???????????????? ios user .
ThreeB 5 years ago
So, a new translation went live from the "leaderboard" but it is premium only. Are all of these translations going to be premium only? I'm just curious what the point is in opening this to the people like me who don't pay if we won't get to see them anyway.
Anon - A random iphone user 5 years ago
My only gripe is that I can't open new tabs with iOS now.