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Who's Hotter, Melina or Ranni?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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I feel like we all can safely say that when it comes to the waifus in Elden Ring, Melina and Ranni takes the cake. They’re some of the first women you meet in the game, and they both leave a lasting impression, even if it was short. Now let me ask all you Elden Lord’s of Hentai. Who do you think you like more?

If we’re being honest, Melina is the most basic and normal out of the two. Yeah, her design is pretty unique, but I’m more talking about when it comes to her body and physical appearance. While Melina is just a human looking girl, if you’re into the more weird differences, Ranni is who you’re looking for. She’s a doll, with blue skin, and multiple arms. So if that’s your kind of kink, Ranni is definitely the girl for you. 

But if I’m being honest, even with all that, I find Melina more attractive and more my type. I’m not sure why, since I barely know shit about either one of them, only their appearance, the little bit that porn has told me and the short interactions I had with them in the beginning of the game. Sometime basic is good, but don’t worry, I would still fuck Ranni hella hard.

Yeah, be happy. You're the winner.

Who do you think is hotter, Melina or Ranni? Do you think there’s hotter girls in Elden Ring other than Melina and Ranni? How much do you know about these two? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Nyon 2 years ago
Both? Both.
Returner6th 2 years ago
Both are great, but I'm into Ranni a bit more, and no, not only because I have a kink for non-human girls. *SPOILERS* I just like how if you do her quest, you end officially engaged to her and in the Age of Stars ending you unlock, you accompany her as her consort in the "dark, lonely journey" away from the Lands Between she was planning to make. It's just weirdly romantic, all things considered.
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
Anon - Crenando 2 years ago
Chaos729 2 years ago
I say both but Melina for sure for me
MrObvious 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
I like Melina myself. Her overall goodness is a shining light in the deadly and dark world of ER. Then there are the implications of her Black Knives related moves and weapon. Best waifu for sure. 
Anon - Roderika fanboy 2 years ago
SkullFuckerNinja 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
Both? Yes Both. Tbh I prefer Malenia & Millicent because of my taste in redheads and both look like badass Valkyries.
exodusee7 2 years ago
If Ranni didn't have parts of her that were definitely broken, she'd win by a landslide.
Anon - Five Penises 2 years ago
Ranni without a doubt. She’s got four arms but it’s still not enough to jack me off!