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Audio Doujins: Female Rivals
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 months ago
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In early Naruto, the two female rivals who wanted to win Sasuke’s heart were Sakura and Ino. Well, Sasuke wasn’t having it, so they were getting cucked super hard in the beginning. But not by us, we always loved Sakura and Ino, and we’re going to show them our love with these two audio doujins. Dropping our last batch of Naruto audio doujins for you all. We have Ruby as Ino, and Ame as Saukra.

Ino voiced by RubyRed

Sakura voiced by AmeAfterDark

What did you think of audio doujin? Who's hotter, Ino or Sakura? What audio doujin would you like to here next? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 6 months ago
Sakura especially clad in her classic spats.
Anon - The Snarkster 6 months ago
Always was a bit of a NaruIno shipper. Much less baggage than with Sakura.