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Do You Keep Up With Hentai?
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago
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The other day I realized that I, a god fearing, dog petting, anime watching, doujin reading boy doesn’t watch hentai that often. In fact I’m sitting here and I couldn’t tell you when last it was. At least a couple months if not more. It certainly isn’t due to a lack of interest. There are a couple hentai that are so good I’ll probably remember them when I’m old and dying. The main issues with trying to keep up with hentai for me take form in two key areas.

First of all, holy shit if you thought anime had a slow release schedule this shit redefines slow. Episodes can be released months apart, sometimes even longer. I have many hobbies, like doujin reading, that require a check every day or at least every other day if you want to truly stay abreast of all the content coming out. I usually like to let doujins pile up for 3-4 days and then check to see if there was anything in the batch that sparked interest. It builds a habit. Now I don’t even think about it, I check them almost automatically. Sure some slip through the cracks undetected but for the most part I get to read and fap to the ones I want to. Hentai nowadays comes out at a way faster rate than it used to, but still not frequently enough to build a schedule around it. I keep thinking “okay, some new shit might be out next week” and then there isn’t, and then the next, and then suddenly I forget to check for months at a time. 

This shit was all in a single day, and that's not even everything released that day.

The second huge problem for me is that my fetishes are a bit under-represented in hentai. You see, hentai costs money. A lot of fucking money. So when a studio is picking which material to animate they probably are going to go for whatever they think is going to do well with the largest number of viewers. That means making “Big Dick John #27: Fucking Every Girl In The School In The Most Vanilla Way Possible :The Rebirth : The Animation”. If the gods smile upon me and I somehow receive a yuri scene, it’s usually a one hit wonder and lasts for a few minutes before it’s back to standard fucking. I can’t hate on a studio trying to make a return on their investment, but it does open my eyes to the versatility of doujins. Since they’re not quite as expensive, you get a much wider variety of options and said options receive new additions at a much faster rate. So on top of not being released that often, when the episodes are released they rarely contain some unique content and fetishes. Thus leading to months of drought in the hentai scene for me.

Big John getting called in the studio to fuck girl #321 that week.

I used to think doujin reading and hentai watching went hand and hand, but now I wonder if that’s truly the case. At least on the same level of frequency. I’m not saying I prefer one over the other in terms of raw enjoyment, but I know I come back to doujins a lot more often. The perks of fresh material. Do you watch hentai that often? Do you come back to doujins a lot more, or about the same? Don’t wait 6 weeks for the next episode, go ahead and leave a comment below!

jupmod 4 years ago
Well, given there are far more doujin releases than hentai anime, I don't watch much either. Sometimes I have to take a chance to watch a hentai that is original and not based on a doujin. Yet I wonder if the hentai anime studios are better off doing anime based off good douijns. There are sure many great doujins here that would make great hentai anime.
Anon - anon 4 years ago
maybe if i knew a good site that was itself up to date on hentai.
Hectotane 4 years ago
The Japanese entertainment industry's priorities are fucked up. I know there are reasons. But blue-balling, unfunny and unromantic romcom bullshit titles are getting more episodes than the most popular adult anime? That industry doesn't need "support." They need a collective time-out to realize the harm they're doing to themselves.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Yes. I've been here for a bit and do check out the updates. Sure there are other sites but this is my main stomping ground. The video service is great too.
Anon - Fibanda 4 years ago
Well, maybe it's because i'm a Woman, but the last hentai I watched, was long ago. I prefer doujins, so the voices sound right in my head or I can stay on a page much longer.
Anon - Xander T 4 years ago
There are some doujins that I just enjoy so much. It gives me that nostalgic feel of when I was a young and slightly less horny idiot. With hentai, it works the same way. I can't get enough of Inyouchuu, and even though Queen Bee made the last one feel odd, I could still enjoy the crazy scenes all the same. Even if the animation's bad, Queen Bee does the original work justice with its storylines.
Anon - DKAZ 4 years ago
I almost never watch hentai these days for pretty much the same reasons. Been waiting for what feels like years for another good yuri release. Until then, doujins it is.
ForestGWolfy 3 years ago
it looks like Japan has stopped producing hentai anime forever.
Anon - Elektrichka Sapsan 3 years ago
I prefer hentai over doujin because the latter is just a compilation of static images. I don’t have that many super-duper niche fetishes, so it’s not a big deal for me. Hentai is great — it’s all moving and looking great. “Youkuso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e” is a masterpiece series, man.

That being said, I hate the fact that there is too many NTR BS hentai. Who are these NTR enjoyers? Fucked up ppl.
Anon - ForestGWolfy 4 years ago
hentai would likely ceast to exist in the near future because the sales are so low in japan while they still are producing them, but they also still have to follow an undemocratic law to blur obscenity like dicks. The law itself is a violation of the Japanese constitution of the monarchy, but it has been defended by the former absolute authoritarian monarchy since the 1900s.