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Japanese Man Arrested for Selling Illegally Modified Nude Figures
By Yung Namahage • 4 years ago
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These days, with all the shit that's going on, it's getting harder and harder to earn a living. No doubt turning to a life of crime is an attractive but dangerous option to a lot of people, especially one man who recently got caught for an especially bizarre felony.

The unnamed 34-year-old self-proclaimed sculptor from Higashimurayama was arrested by Ibaraki Prefecture’s Police Cyber Crime Countermeasures Division for breaking the Japanese Copyright Act by selling custom figures of characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 3: Rebellion. Apparently, he bought official figures of magical girls from the movie based on the series, detached their heads and reattached them onto naked female body figurines that he made himself, all without the consent of copyright holder and distributor Aniplex.

The man sold the figures on an auction site in August of last year. According to the police, he made about ¥5.8 million (around US $55,500) between 2018 and 2020 from selling the figures. The man confessed to the charges, saying "I did it to pay for living costs."

This all reminds me of that guy who got arrested a while back for selling illegal Love Live! dakimakura covers. It seems as long as popular things exist, people will do all kind of dodgy deeds to make money off the back of those things. Maybe this guy could have put his modelling skills to good use in a legit job instead of potentially ending up in prison. Don't fuck with other people's intellectual property, kids!

What do you guys make of this? Would you buy figures knowing they're fake and probably illegal? Sound off below!

Anon - yourlastparagraph 4 years ago
So do you guys actually use the the memberships to pay all the Japanese artists for their doujinshi then?
Anon - Floop the pig 4 years ago
Real figure? $250+
"Fake" Figure? $25+

What do you think?
Anon - CumToMyClub 4 years ago
"Hey man you wanna custom Star Wars figures. Nude Lobot, Hairless Wookiee, and Darth Wiener."
MrObvious 4 years ago
Well what can I say. This is a catch 22. It's interesting that he made that much from such shoddy 'work'. Personally I'd buy them from reputable official sources on personal principal. He should've at least learned how to sculpt and develop his skills before sending a letter to the company offering his services.
Gennos 4 years ago
No. What he did was stupid. If you're going to bother breaking the law, then go for big returns. Fifty five thousand over the course of 2-3 years is pathetic. Unless he has health issues, he could have easily left his comfort zone, found a skilled trade somewhere and end up making much much more than that. Too many lazy people in the world. We're due for a hard reset.
Aceofcard 4 years ago
unless you are in china