For anyone who enjoyed the prologue for Mark of the Wild, well, I’m happy to say that you also can enjoy Chapter 1. That’s not all, the prologue had a audio experience included with it, and so does Chapter 1, thanks to Frankh, doing justice to Darkra amazing comic. Let this audio experience take you to a fantasy world filled with magic and pleasure.
You can support Darkra over on Patreon.
Production fethdor
Lulusa nami955
Kelsier KaliethVA
Vorzok IRecshun
Talmat McNorsk
Goblin ImJustThatKinky
Girl Elf1 thevoicevixxen
Girl Elf2 Kittenvox
Dwarf (Party) Fatboiipanda
Human (Party) Leogreystoneva
Undead Afacelesslurker
Monsters Lewdzaxk
What did you think of audio doujin? Would you like to see more Mark of the Wild audio doujins? What audio doujin would you like to here next? Tell us in the comments.