Audio Doujins: Spend Halloween with Yuno Gasai
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
Happy Halloween everyone! I’m sure you guys came over for some candy right? Well then you’re in for a treat. We need a spooky audio doujin for a spooky day, so how about the spooky, but also sexy as hell Yuno Gasai audio doujin. And yes, that is a fear boner you got there. But Yuno is here to calm that fear boner down, and milk you dry. I want to thank Tempty for giving Yuno the yandere English voice that she deserves. And Kinky voicing the scared little pussy Yuki, a fitting role.
You actually want to do it, right
Yuno voiced by Tempty
Yuki voiced by ImJustThatKinky
What did you think of Tempty’s Yuno? Do you think Yuno is hot? Are you into yandere girls? Tell us in the comments.
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