I’m pretty sure you’ve all seen Fake Taxi before, or at least know about it. It’s a hot concept, and I wouldn’t mind being the taxi driver who gets to fuck the girl that gets in my fake taxi. Well, not if the girl is ugly, at that point, it would become a real taxi. But we don’t have to worry about that today, cause today, the fiery tomboy Ryuko is riding the fake taxi today. And if we’re lucky, she’ll be riding something else. This concept and art was done by the amazing artist Accel Art, and the amazing Ryuko voice impression was done by the tomboy voice specialist Bounsweet.
Ryuko Matoi voiced by Bounsweet
If you want more Waifu Taxi, you can check out their Patreon.
What did you think of Bounsweet’s performance? Would you like to hear more Waifu Taxi audio? Have you seen Fake Taxi before? Tell us in the comments.