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Ever Been Addicted To Porn?
By WakeUpSnooze • 10 months ago

I’ve always known addiction to be defined as an activity that you perform so often or so intensely that it poses a significant negative impact on your overall life. I’ve tried many of life’s vices so far: alcohol, legal weed products, and almost every form of masturbation imaginable apart from sucking my own dick. The flexibility simply isn’t there. However none of these sins have ever really made me form a negative habit. Hell sometimes I have to remind myself to get a fap session in so that I can catch up on the latest doujins. That being said, there is one thing that I feel a true addiction to. And that my friends is fighting games.

I’m a competitive person by nature, and this genre of game speaks to my heart and soul. It’s not about having the sickest combos, the fastest reactions, or the greatest of strategies. It’s about learning who you’re fighting, and then adapting yourself to cuck them out of their rank points. I have yet to find a greater feeling in life than a big dinner with a friend after a hard workout, or equally as good, learning how someone plays and then punishing them for it. With the release of Street Fighter 6, my life has been ruined. It’s taking everything in my power to write an article right now rather than turn on my PS5 and get to my ACTUAL work: grinding matches. Once I start playing I can’t stop for at least an hour, no matter what my schedule looks like or what I have planned that day. And god forbid I find someone who plays a rare character, cause I’ll likely never let them go until they stop hitting the rematch button. I can be honest with myself that these games are not healthy for me and have a significant negative impact on my life in terms of productivity, sociability, and often happiness. But god dammit I can’t stop won’t stop until my Dee Jay is diamond rank. 

How exactly do you NOT get addicted to this?

The point of me explaining all that is that I honestly can’t see how you could get addicted to porn by comparison. I don’t know about you guys but fapping takes a lot out of me, especially these days with my special tricks. After a fap session I don’t even want to look at a girl my dick is so tired. Hell even a femboy could be too much of a turn on. Once I bust, if I start to get hard again, I can feel physical pain and fatigue from my groin muscles. It’s not pleasant at all. Honestly I could understand girls getting addicted to sex a bit more due to the absence of the refractory period. But like, it’s still a tiring process ain’t it? I think my record is three faps on a day where I was bored and had nothing goin on (ah, what a concept in adulthood) and after the third installment I thought my dick was going to wither away into nothingness like Mr. Stark. I don’t see how an addiction to porn could even be pleasant or feasible, but then again I’m sure many people don’t understand my thought process at all considering that fighting games are still a niche genre compared to most video game types.

Different addictions for different citizens, I suppose.

This was a bit of a longer one but I hope it painted a nice picture. Sometimes you never know what type of media or activity can get you addicted until it’s already too late. If you ever see some guy who looks like Hobo Ken in rehab, I’m afraid that may be your Uncle Snooze after his falloff. Do you ever think you’ve been addicted to porn or sex? Do you have an addiction to something else? Have you ever beat an addiction before, or just learned to live around it (barely, by definition of course)? Put down the bottle, burn your weed in the fireplace, and get addicted to doujins anyway in the comments below! At least that’s cheaper!