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Anime Characters Don’t Have a Race
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Well, like everything fun and that we love, someone has to go and ruin it. Sadly, it seems like it’s us Americans that always have to be the ruiners of fun. We were all having fun redrawing Sailor Moon in funny, wholesome, or lewd ways. Then someone had to come do this…

And then they had to do this…

Artist Silverjow drew his rendition of the Sailor Moon picture, which is fine. But it’s the comments that soon follow after him turning her hair and eyes different colors.

First of all, it’s stupid to think that people have been whitewashing Usagi when they’re just drawing Usagi the same way that the original artist drew her. If anything, Silverjow is I guess...asianwashing her. But that sound stupid, so we’re not going to say that.

Now this is the thing that I guess most people don’t understand. Most anime characters don’t have a race. Yeah, Usagi might live in Japan and all that, but I’m not sure if they ever stated if she was Japanese or not. But that’s with most anime. The creator makes a design they like, and goes with it. SImple as that. Sure Naruto lives in a ninja village, but the boy looks white as hell. You’re going to tell me that Naruto is Japanese just because he was born and raised in a ninja village? No, his race is an anime character.

I'll be the first white ninja ever. Believe it!

Some shows like Death Note or Banana Fish are different since those are the few shows that state the characters race, but that’s not usually the case. Why are we fighting about character race, when most of them have unnatural blue and red hair in the first place? Let’s just agree that all anime character races are anime until stated as such.

With blue hair like that. Her race must be anime.

Do you like Silverjow redrawing of Sailor Moon? Do you think other artists have been whitewashing Sailor Moon? Do anime characters have a race? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Bruh 4 years ago
this is definitely an article written by a dumbass lmao
Anon - Karen 4 years ago
When the character is dark skinned, they MUST always be dark skinned and NEVER can be a different colour or you're a RACIST.
When the character is light skinned, it's perfectly fine and in fact should be encouraged to change the colour of their skin and the features of their face and you MUST agree or you're a RACIST.
Anon - Anon 4 years ago
If the anime doesn't specify, or if their name is obviously not Japanese, always assume they are Japanese. Always. No exceptions. Same goes for Japanese games.
tanakaba 4 years ago
I thought Usagi was a moonian.
Aceofcard 4 years ago
Anime Characters Don’t Have a Race. But Anime characters do have race and depend on writings.
Hectotane 4 years ago
Huh? That's a depiction of a long-haired Asian girl as Sailor Moon. And, in actuality, and damn fine one at that.

Geez. If you let something like this "ruin your fun," then you might as well go blind. "Art for art's sake" is just as important as your lewds.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Nope they don't. They are their own, shall we say, 'thing'. Leave it to social media to to make an ant hill out of a kernel of sand. Here we go again *sigh*.
jupmod 4 years ago
Well, it is his choice to do what he wants to draw. Yet I do agree it just does not look great to draw anime characters into a race that don't fit them at all. Your example of Naruto is a good one, given he indeed don't look Asian at all. Same with many anime/manga characters. I'm guessing the Japanese draw them like this due that it makes them stand out than looking all the same if they were Jap.
Aldan 4 years ago
Okay, so, while her current family is almost certainly Japanese, Usagi is supposed to be a funky reincarnation of a Moon Princess. So, technically, I think she is supposed to be Silver Millennian(?) or some such. Considering the magic of the Silver Crystal and the Magical Girl transformation stuff, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if her DNA was rewritten at some point.
Anti-Naruto 4 years ago
Welcome to the internet; where you can leave your soul, morality, and your sense of humor at the door