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817 Men in Japan Polled: Breasts or Ass?
By Kasaix β€’ 5 years ago
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A poll conducted by Sirabee, seen HERE, asked 817 men in Japan, aged between teens and 60's, whether they preferred breasts or ass. While the sample group was varied between age and income, the same size itself is rather small. 817 people seems like a lot, the population of Shibuya, Japan, as of 2019, is reported to be 205,512. While that accounts for both men and women, even if the population of Shibuya saw women outnumbering men by 2:1, 817 seems on the small side. So while I doubt the poll itself, it's fun to examine it all the same. 

So, 817 guys were asked what they looked for in women. 64.7% to 41.9% said they wanted dat ass. 

I thought the results would be more skewed evenly. Personally I could go for either breasts or ass, as long as they're well-rounded and on a girl I like. From the anime and manga I've seen, POVs tend to favor chests over asses. While both get screen time in those sorts of ecchi series, the chests tend to be front and center. Maybe it's by virtue of actually being front and center? Food for thought.


Age and income were also recorded, which I found to be interesting. Men on the youngest and oldest age and income scales prefer dat ass, as opposed to those in the middle ground, which I also found to be interesting.

I never would have thought that such factors would play into a preference like this. Tastes change over time, of course, but I don't think mine ever did since I first saw women in a certain light. Regardless, those are the findings of Sirabee. Doujins has a larger sample size, of course. We have way more than 817 people on our Discord server alone. Perhaps we'll hold an official Doujins poll to find out once and for all: which is more favored: breasts or ass?

MrObvious 5 years ago
Meh, I prefer both tbh. Though when it comes to titties I prefer them to be perky, never was a fan of giant and disproportional tits. An ass made all the more apparent by tight bottoms thongs, spats jeans etc. is just as arousing in my book.
Absolute Tickle 5 years ago
Breasts are just fake asses
ZeOmega 5 years ago
As a wise man once said "I hate to see you leave but love to watch you go." Or as another said "Tits are life, Ass is hometown."
ShadowKing 5 years ago
Have to go with ass. Breasts are nice, but some are proof that you can have too much of a good thing. Never mind the back and shoulder problems larger ones could cause. Nope, give me a DFC with a nice ass any day.
jupmod 5 years ago
I like both, yet it's quite sexy to see a nice sexy ass on a woman. Even if say a woman is flat chested, she would still be sexy if her body and legs are shapely. Tits maybe get attention, but the ass tells how shapely a woman is, IMO :)
Hectotane 5 years ago
Huh? Why not both?
Tuskor13 4 years ago
It's not an issue if a girl has small tits, but if she doesn't have any cushion for the pushin its gonna suck
Anon - Math Nazi 5 years ago
why does this poll add up to There's no way that's a rounding error, that's just plain bad math.
Anon - anon 5 years ago
as always there is such thing as too much. that ass gets too big, you cant penetrate as far. boobs and breast both in moderation. nothing bigger than c-cup (US) and a filled out butt, but not one of those gross IG model butts.
Nyanko 5 years ago
Don't think that sample size is big enough to make definite conclusions.
Agree a poll would work!