Kinky: When you finally get asked out by a girl for the first time in your life, of course you’ll be ecstatic. You finally get the chance to have a relationship and finally interact with a real 3D female. The problem is? You find out she’s a yandere! Now any man in there right mind would leave right then and there, but if she’s drawn in such a beautiful way that she’s just too cute and irresistible, you’ll just decide to stay with the bitch. May I welcome you to kjech! How are you doing kjech?
kjech: Hello! Doing fine, thank you!
Kinky: Okay I’ve been seeing this a lot so I must ask. A lot of artists have names that I either don’t understand or don’t make sense. How did you choose your name?
kjech: To be honest, it was a long time ago so I completely forgot why did I choose that! I guess it’s weird enough that people are able to remember it.
Kinky: How long have you’ve been drawing?
kjech: Since I was like… 7 years old I think!
Kinky: When did you start thinking that you wanted to do something more with your art, like make a living doing it?
kjech: I quickly realized I can’t do anything else other than to draw so… it’s a matter of survivalism!
Kinky: Some people may say being an artist is one of those hard jobs that is difficult to obtain, like being a famous writer, popular actor, and so on. How has the journey of being an artist been for you?
kjech: I do think the life of a creator is rough in general. You struggle to be known and when you get known you also expose your insecurities and faults to a lot of people. Still those of us who do this stuff is because we really love it and have the will to keep pushing even through hard times. I just hope that people will keep enjoying what i do!
Kinky: I’m an artist myself and the art I’ve seen around me surely shaped the way I go about drawing. Examples would be Shigenori Soejima, artist of Persona and Rui Komatsuzaki, artist of Dangan Ronpa. Is there any artist that you say inspired your art?
kjech: Well, for me the author that made me really want to become a manga artist was Yasuhiro Nightow, creator of Trigun. I first watched the anime and fell in love but it wasn’t until I read the manga that I knew that was what I wanted to do. I also really liked Ken Akamatsu because I really enjoyed Love Hina back in the day and has a special place in my heart.
Kinky: Your art is very anime inspired so I’m assuming that you watch anime. Any you would consider your favorites?
kjech: I like anime when is it’s own thing. Whenever an anime is based off a manga, i prefer to read the manga. So in general the anime I like is stuff that was created to be anime first and foremost. My favorites are Cowboy Bebop, FuriKuri, Evangelion. Lately I’ve really enjoyed Little Witch Academia even though it’s more for kids.
Kinky: You do the character art for Yandere Simulator. How did that happen?
kjech: Well, I joined when quite a bit of work was already done on the rivals specifically by another artist by the name of aea in Deviant Art. I applied to work as a volunteer, first thing I got to do was making an illustration of the Student Counselor and then I got to design Yanderechan’s mom. After that, work on the character portraits was apparently not going so well so I started working on them without any guaranty they would actually get used in the end. Turns out they did get used!
Thank you for blessing use with such a beautiful mil...I mean mom!
Kinky: How have drawing for Yandere Simulator been for you?
kjech: It’s been a really interesting experience, and it’s already been almost two years! Everyone has been really supportive and really kind to me, so I consider myself very, very lucky.
Kinky: Have you've drawn for any other big projects like Yandere Simulator?
kjech: No, Yandere Simulator is the biggest project I’ve been involved in for now. I actually didn’t know it was that big when I started!
Kinky: You draw for a game but do you play any? And if so, what are some of your favorites?
kjech: I love games since I was 13. I always try to keep well informed about the industry even when I can’t really play as much as I would like. Except for sports games, I like almost everything and always try to keep an open mind with any game I get to play. Any of the Souls games, anything by Respawn Entertainment, Gran Turismo, FF12… there’s too many I love hahaha.
Kinky: I'm curious about a series that I saw on your Deviant Art and was wondering about it. "Doll Revolution" Whatever happened to that?
kjech: Oh that? Hahaha. No, that was never a series. That was just a project for my art school were we had to come up with an erotic comic. So I just imagined the basic plot, did what I think was like 3 pages and some cover art. It was something on the lines of an industrial race to create ultra-advanced love-dolls.
Kinky: As an artist, our art change over time and we learn different techniques and different styles. Now I'm about to be blunt with you, on your old art (for example Doll Revolution) the characters had long and pointy chins. I actually like the style of the cover for Doll Revolution but it's just something that sticked out because it was different. How do you feel about the changes to your art style?
kjech: I’ve been advised before to kind of “clean” my gallery from older art but i like to keep it there as a reminder of where i started. I hope someone can see some improvement and get encouraged, and also to keep motivating me to become better. Change is normal with any artist, i think we all become interested in different things as we grow up and that influences what we do. I think I’ve kept on improving through the years but yeah, since there’s nothing written about that you are always wondering how would it be to do things in a different way. Some times I try different stuff out just to have a breather from doing the same too often.
With pointy chin and all, she's still really hot. Having a pointy chin has it's benefits.
Kinky: You draw girls with blood knives and killing people, but I don’t see you do much of hentai drawing. What are your thoughts on that kinda art?
kjech: The way I draw it’s often referred to as “too sexy”. I don’t think sexiness or sexual topics by themselves detract from any work so I certainly don’t have any problem with erotic material, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion nowadays.
Kinky: Yeah, I remember when I was that ignorant when it came to sexual topics. But know I’m Kinky! So, when it comes to hentai, what is your favorite kind of topic?
kjech: Hahaha! Well, that escalated quickly. To be honest, I don’t think I have any particular favorite topic!
Kinky: Cough out…Anyway, is there a specific thing on your bucket list that you’re trying to scratch off when it comes to your art, like the working position or something you want to create?
kjech: Only thing I’m obsessed with it’s to better put on paper what’s in my head. Cause most of the times it doesn’t end up exactly how I imagined it, and that frustrates me to no end.
Kinky: And last but very important question. Who is your waifu in Yandere Simulator?
kjech: Well, I don’t have a “waifu” per se but if I had to choose my two favorite characters would be Amai and Osoro.
And here I though I was going to have to call kjech basic, but he has some good taste. Osoro is best girl, just look at those abs.
Kinky: Well, I sad that I have to cut this one short. Hoefully we can meet each other again ;) wink, so is there any where these lovely people can find you.
kjech: Oh, to follow my DEVIANTART or@_kjechon twitter.