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Yoruichi Is WHITE...AGAIN!!!
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 months ago

Well, that didn’t take long. After much backlash and people's outcry, it seems like Viz Media has heard and listened to the people and brought back Wendee Lee as the English voice of Yoruichi.

But, at what cost…

This decision didn’t sit well with many, and caused a real hell storm in the anime voice acting community. Many people don’t know completely why this change happened, or if Viz Media will ever clear up any speculations that many might have in mind. But many are pointing towards racism, which is completely stupid in my opinion. I do believe people's backlash had something to do with it, but it’s not like we haven’t seen racist backlash like this before. When the Nagatoro English VA was first announced, there was a hell storm of racist comments, but the English VA stayed on board, and I’m happy about that.

Yes queen slay.

I think the real issue with this comes from the fact that Yoruichi original VA had 10+ years of history with that character, so changing her out of the blue was a super jarring decision. And also, it’s not like Wendee Lee wasn’t excited to reprise her role as Yoruichi, she was totally down for it.

I do think it was stupid of Viz to change Yoruichi’s voice actor from the start, but I think it’s even stupider to change the VA, only to bring back the original. Now I feel like that weird and backwards decision is what really turned up the pot. People are even attacking Wendee Lee, saying she should have just not accepted the role and let Anairis have it. Which is just stupid to me. Why the fuck should I give away a job just because of Viz, or the fans dumb out cry. But Wendee Lee hasn’t been making herself look good in this situation as well.

But I do understand her frustration, I understand everyone’s frustration. But I feel like everyone should understand that it’s not Wendee Lee or Anairis fault. The person truly at fault is Viz Media, but I’m pretty sure most aren’t going to see it that way, and keep yelling and hating the VAs.

What do you think of this whole situation? Do you think it’s fair for Wendee Lee to get her role back, or keep it with Anairis? Is Viz Media truly the one at fault? Tell us in the comments.