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Would You House A Sexy Runaway Girl?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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You’re an upstanding citizen in society, simply taking a stroll through the evening as you walk home. Suddenly, you stumble upon a girl sitting on the sidewalk. I’ll slide her a good 17 years old. You ask if she’s alright, and she says she’s running away from home. “So like, how you gonna survive tho” you ask. She has no answer. Now fellas, are we offering her the chance to stay at your place for a few days while she gets her life in order?

The above situation is similar though not a carbon copy of the plot to a new anime airing this season, After Being Rejected, I Shaved And Took In A High School Runaway and no I did not make that title up. I can be a pretty empathetic guy at times, so my first instinct was to say I’d talk with her for a bit first and if she seemed sane-ish I’d let her stay for a few days, until she realizes running away and shacking up with strangers sucks and figures out a plan B. However, halfway through the episode the main character reads a news blurb on his phone that someone else in the area was just arrested for suspicion of abducting a child. It was at this point that I had to reconsider my stance a bit, cause jail is not very epic for Snooze. 

Yes if you could get that JAILBAIT ass off my screen bud.

On one hand, damn 17 is close as fuck to 18 she’s a few months away from being grown enough to make her own decisions, parents and guardians be damned. Then again, if this whole idea goes haywire and the parents get the police involved, what the fuck is my dumbass going to say to them? “Well you see, she told me she was running away from home unannounced, but like, I thought she was just memeing officer so I let her stay here.” I forgot to mention the added spice that this girl is trying to seduce the MC the whole time. Thankfully my boi realized that was a horrible fucking idea and resisted, but it wasn’t easy. I know my virgin ass doesn’t need that extra pressure on top of everything else surrounding the situation. At the end of the day I’d probably write down the name of a homeless shelter or something in the area and call that the best I can do.

For the record, I don't agree or disagree.

Real life just ain’t like these anime. Maybe I worry too much, but this whole situation would be way too much stress on my little heart for very little in return. If she was like 20 or something then maybe ok, but even then the idea of letting someone you don’t know that well into your home for a while is a very hard pill to swallow. Would you offer a place to stay for a few days? Are you going to watch… damn we need a shorter name for this one. Are you going to watch Rejected, Shaved, Runaway? Invite some strangers into your house in the comments below!

Anon - Anon 3 years ago
No. Bwcause we couldnt afford that.
Anon - Karen 3 years ago
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES let an unknown stranger into your home no matter their age, their gender, their religion, their political affiliation or your religion or political affiliation. Call the police and let them handle it. This is not your problem. DO NOT GET INVOLVED.
Yes, real life is not fun. That's why we have FICTION that deals with such premises.
---------------- 3 years ago
Depends on the specifics. Does she have actual parents, or just Pappa Smirnoff for the hour-or-so before he passes out? How old is she? There's a LOT of difference between 17 and 7, after all. How close is her actual home? If she can still walk to school, then she's close enough to get me arrested (even if I haven't broken any laws). And, of course, the most important question: how cute is she?
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Honestly i have no idea what i would do. On the one hand I don’t want to leave her out there with all those crazies. On the other I don’t know if she’s one of them. On a third like you said the police can get involved and I don’t know what exactly would cone of it(would they pat me on the back for helping someone or send me to the slammer). There’s so many pieces to this i have no idea what i’d do
Nk17 3 years ago
This anime is great and I'm definitely enjoying it so far but to be honest I'd never do this sort of thing irl
kelb 3 years ago
17 not a chance. I'm a nice guy but I'm not a sucker and her folks could press charges. Midnight on her 18th, sure but not a second before. Doubt she'd stay long since I'd be trying to nudge her toward realizing what an absolutely retarded idea it is to do what she's doing. Shit like that is how you end up on a corner.
tanakaba 3 years ago
Hold up, the main character took in and shaved a high school runaway?!
MrObvious 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
Sure but she'd have to be of age and my personal, very specific type of waifu for it to work(alternatively I'd still help her out in general too, still being of age). Might check this one out, haven't heard of it but the premise sounds interesting, thanks there Snooze.
exodusee7 3 years ago
If I live in a state where the age of consent is 17, all bets are off. Since I don't, the answer is NO, come back in a year.