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Will Persona Ever Have a Gay Option?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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Persona 5 The Royal has finally been revealed, showing off a new female character. She could be a female Joker, or maybe just another social link. With little information on her, we’ll just have to wait and see. But even with a female protagonist, the chance for people to finally live out their gay fantasies in Persona 5 is nowhere to be seen.

Many people online have yelled and raved about how Persona 5 didn’t include an option to be gay, which would make you believe that Atlus would add a gay route so to please the fans. But you have to remember that Persona is a Japanese game and is not made in the west. The people that they’re going to listen to the most are their Japanese consumers, and if they’re not complaining and raising hell about the issue, then they really have no reason to consider changing it. If you want a gay route, your best option it go back and play Persona 2.

I understand that Jun is the gay one, but why can't I be gay for my boy Eikichi!

If this is a female protagonist then hopeful people can finally at least romance their husbandos with a female MC, but I wonder would that be enough for people who wants a gay option. Persona 6 is going to have a new writer on board which many are happy about because it could mean a new direction for the Persona series. Let’s see how people react when Persona 6 doesn’t at least have one gay route and misrepresent gay/trans people once again. WIll Persona ever learn?

Never change Persona

Will Persona 5 The Royal add a gay route? Will Persona games ever include a gay route? Is a gay route needed in Persona? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - AB13 5 years ago
It will never have a gay option, get over it. It will pander to straight males forever and your whining won't change it
Anon - Coniar 5 years ago
I find it interesting how they dont have this but you can fuck your teacher (like really) a doctor (well above the mc's age) but I cant date ryuji ???? like both are great S links but makes little sense when p4 basically joked around the topic even at one point TELLING kanji hes gay till you do his S link just confuses me
Anon - Anon 5 years ago
The game(s) don’t really need a gay route since fanfictions are already fulfilling the yaoi route.

Plus, it doesn’t really matter if I’m playing the game for the main story and gameplay.
Anon - Da Fro 5 years ago
No, Japan is trying to get them birthrates up they don't need to promote faggotry
Anon - Momoyo 5 years ago
Seriously, there's less and less excuse for this sort of thing. They really need some new folks and a woman on board. The development team is a sausage party and they've admitted that they have no female friends. That is seriously lame and sad. Some fresh blood would be good for the next mainline Persona entry. They almost went for it in Persona 4. They should try again!
Anon - False Representation is gay 5 years ago
Oh sure, token gay boi route because the gays will cry otherwise, and a token trans route because they'll cry too.
Orrrrrrr you can fuck off and stop forcing your "representation" into literally everything. In a group of 6 friends, you cannot claim that 1 will be gay and another will be trans.
Hectotane 5 years ago
Good luck for anybody wanting to live out their gay fantasies. (We should also let gays live out their gay lives in peace, but hey.)

However; I'm still upset with how Yuu (from the Persona 4 anime and game) had no personality whatsoever.
Anon - OddBall 5 years ago
When I see the alarming amount of retarded SJW bullshit Imjustthatkinky keep pumping on a fucking HENTAI site, I can't help be getting nervous.
exodusee7 5 years ago
I'd say well before you get a gay option, I think an option to play as a female protagonist is more important.
Anon - ghjl' 5 years ago
Meanwhile I sadly couldn't get past the spaceship dungeon because Ryuuji annoyed me too much with his constant talking about how they were the phantom thieves in public :(