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Make a Doujin Request Today!
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago



Don’t know Japanese?

Tired of waiting years for a doujin you saw to be translated?

Well, I might have the solution for you!


Yeah, you heard me right. The REQUEST BUTTON!!

You can hit the one right HERE! Or the one at the top of the site!

But remember, you have to be a premium member to access it. Which is usually a whopping $1000 dollars a month!!!

But don’t worry, I’m here to tell you that I’m giving you a 50% discount!

That’s right, that $1000 got cut down to $500! How does that sound...

You know what...fuck it. I’m going to cut that $500 down to $20 fuckin dollars!

That’s a 100% fucking discount!

That’s right! You do the math! Cause I know I didn’t!

There’s already plenty of Doujins up on the request board that you can go ahead and vote for!

Here are a few that I’ve already voted for and can’t wait to see translated!

Did you know we had a request function? Have you used the request function? What doujin would you like to see translated? Tell us in the comments below.