Yesterday was Memorial Day here in America, a time where we keep those in the military and similar institutions in our minds and give thanks for their sacrifice to protect our freedoms. I’m writing this before it actually happens so I sure hope my plans of grilling hamburgers and hotdogs came together. Regardless, with the holiday on my mind it made me start thinking about uniforms and how they play such a big role in lewd content. People love all kinds of different uniforms but I think there is a universal truth about them that helps explain why they’re so useful in porn.
To me the most striking advantage is the ability to quickly paint a picture in your mind of the kind of sexual hijinks you could get into with said person. Almost all uniforms carry stereotypes in regards to personality, so your mind will often use those context clues to construct sexy scenarios in no time flat. For example, turn your attention to the picture below. After looking at that picture for only a few seconds, I already know this girl is a jailor in power and she loves it. I immediately assume that she’d be domming everybody in the jailhouse and when it’s my turn I'd be both excited and scared. Compare this to if she was completely naked in the picture. At that point I wouldn’t know if she was just another inmate at a co-ed facility that slipped into my cell block, if she was a visitor who came to fuck me real quick, if she was an officer who was in love with me, without that outfit I have nothing to go on besides the facial expression which says “I wanna fuck” but that’s about it. In that hypothetical it makes it really hard for me to care much for the artwork because I can’t extract much information about the girl's personality if she’s naked. She’s just another naked anime girl in a sea of those online.
That goes for the article cover image too. I found that picture to be hot as fuck, but only because they were wearing typical “hostess” type uniforms. Those immediately assisted my mind in dreaming of steamy situations as now it was clear okay I’d probably be the dom in that reality as they are used to “serving” customers all day and now it’s time to request some special attention for my pal downstairs. Does this mean I think hostesses in real life want to fuck me and are subservient? Hell no, that’s reality. My point is that in pornland it’s very valuable to be able to create a character, or at least the illusion of a character in a very short amount of time. Uniforms give you a stereotypical depiction of a person based on your own preconceived notions rather quickly that the artist can then use to expand upon or get a sexual scenario depicted without wasting seconds. And when we’re talking about younger men cumming, every second is valuable.
God bless our waifus on the frontlines.
I’m curious to know if you guys pay much attention to uniforms when looking through possible fap material. Even if you didn’t notice it, I can guarantee artists use educational/school related uniforms all the fucking time in doujins not only to fit a story but to give you information about a character quickly without the need for words. Did you do anything for Memorial Day? Have you noticed the impact uniforms have on the lewd content you peruse? Turn on the grill, pass a cold one to your friend, and leave your thoughts in the comments below!
Also might be from our developing minds. We latch onto anything that gives us slight stimulus. A uniform you may usually see and lewdify it? Sounds like a fetish to me.
For ex., military uniforms aren't sexy to me. However, they certainly can, depending on the color and design, look
awesome as fuck.