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Why Not Make A Doujins Account?
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago
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Okay listen up you fucks, I know you just got some money for Christmas from people who don’t know enough about you to buy a gift, don’t lie to me. It’s time to turn right around and spend that money on a premium account! … is what I would say if we were a greedy big business with no respect for our users. So instead I’ll say spend the money however best you see fit especially in these trying times. But wait a minute, I’ve just been told in my earpiece that a regular doujins account is free! You actually lose nothing by signing up!

Now let me say, I’m writing this article for a specific kind of person I’ve noticed on the site. If you rarely come here because you either want to check in with the doujins once a week, or read an article every now and then I completely understand not making an account. There’s not much benefit if you’re not a regular user. What I don’t understand, are the people who regularly frequent the site, interact with the community, and remain as anonymous. Here’s why I care. You see, it used to be absolute shit trying to have a discussion about anything going on in the blog on the site. You would leave a comment, and maybe someone will reply to it, maybe they won’t. Nowadays with the notification system in place if someone likes or replies to your comment it will let you know. I see so many people commenting frequently on the blog section with the same “anon - Recurring username here” and it breaks my little Snooze heart. Kinky and I both rarely reply to those people because there’s not much point. Since they’re anon they won’t be notified about a reply. I can’t tell you how many people said some awesome, interesting things in the comments sections of my or others’ articles who we have to basically ignore because there’s little chance they’ll come back to check our response without a notification. If it was a one time thing I'd understand, but we see the same anon usernames repeated quite often so there's a high chance it's the same users coming back.

Me after wasting my time replying to an anon who never sees it.

And it’s not like that’s the only benefit to a free account. You can favorite doujins, download them, use night mode, adjust the audio doujin presentation time, and some other cool stuff too. If you already have an account, how has it been treating you? If you don’t have a free account but keep using and interacting with the site, why not make one? Hop in my earpiece and tell me in the comments below!