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What if Pooters Was Real?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 4 years ago
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I love the doujin series Delightfully Fuckable and Unrefined made by Butcha-U. The stories take place in a restaurant called Pooters, which is based off the real life restaurant Hooters. They both have hot girls serving you food, but while Hooters girls are just for eye candy, Pooters girls are on the menu. While this sounds hot on paper and on the doujin pages, would Pooters really be that great in real life?

Hooters opening up a new chain where they sale sex and food called Pooters? Let's peep this one out.

My answer is a fucking yes!...well, that is, if you go there only for the sex portion of the restaurant. Mixing sex and eating doesn’t sound like a good combo, definitely since most of the sex seems to be happening all out in the opening. I don’t want to see some dude fucking a girl hard and fast while I’m trying to eat a juicy hamburger. And the smell of sex in the air, no thank you. Maybe they have something to combat that, but from what I read of the doujin, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

WHAT THE FUCK! You got cum all over my burger!

They could have a sex section, and a eatting section, but I still don’t know how I’d feel about knowing that there’s a room 10 steps away from me where people are mad fucking while I’m over here mad eating. So I feel like I would enjoy Pooters in the real world and wouldn’t mind it, but I’ll just be going there for the fucking, not the eating. I bet the food wouldn’t be that good anyways.

But the food at Hooters. Now that's a different story.

Would you like a Pooters in real life? Do you think you could eat at a real life Pooters? Have you eaten at Hooters before? Tell us in the comments.

BlueAzul831 4 years ago
Honestly , I mostly go for the amazing food.
Hooters Hostess: Hello, Welcome to Hoo-
Me: *pushing her face aside* Outta my, Bitch! Where's that Menu!
tanakaba 4 years ago
Maybe the next doujin can explore Pooters offering "Carry Out" during this Corona virus quarantine.
Oddest Ball 4 years ago
Can't imagine it being very hygienic.
Washi-Washi 4 years ago
Yo I'd work there, I got good tips at Hooters, imagine the tips there! ^.^
DouManCom 4 years ago
HELL MUTHA-FUCKING YES!!!! Just have the sex section be a floor below and that floor built with cubicles to separate the clients and shit. And of course if you want some good food than hire some good cooks! BOOM!!
LoliNep 4 years ago
go on your birthdays
sdss 4 years ago
Real life pooters sign me up.
But I must admit there is no way I'm going to eat there.
Anon - Yugi18 4 years ago
I've never had Hooters before but I do know the women there are very beautiful so I would go only for the sex ????‍♂️
kaishi10 4 years ago
Nyotaimori? OK. Family Restaurant version: Is that safe outside of a hentai manga context if it includes the sex? Could I eat at a real life version of it? I'd have to say yes, mainly because I have recollections of quite a few parties that went down kinda like that.
MrObvious 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Yes! I'd patronize Butcha-U's establishment and have my balls drained for the afternoon. I'd get it on with the perky gal with the glasses in the top row, I'd cream those puppies til I'm popping blanks per say lol