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What Do You Do After Fapping?
By WakeUpSnooze β€’ 4 years ago
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I’ve always wondered about this topic, and suddenly realized that what better forum is there to use than this blog to have a discussion about it. You see, I pretty much fap once a day or every other day and I almost always do the same shit afterwards. Sure there are some exceptions if I have a tight schedule or if I do a shower fap (cause I don’t want to get clean and then fap and ruin it, who can relate?). Also if I know my ass is going to have problems falling asleep because my schedule is actually garbage, I may save a fap for then. But 99% of the time… 

It’s time to blast some fucking music baby. I don't know what it is about it, but there’s nothing like rubbing one out to some quality content only to then sit back, relax, put on a track and jam out. I swear that for some reason the music sounds clearer and like you’re inside of it more. Now it could just be a placebo effect and it sounds the same, but because I’m in a good mood from the climax it appears to sound better. I don’t know though man. It’s the consistency of how good it sounds, no matter which particular song I’m listening to, that makes me wonder. It seems like the fap causes my brain to process the sonic signals better or some shit, be more receptive. I tried to do a little research on the topic but the search results were flooded with a bunch of people from reddit claiming that when you don’t fap for a while, music sounds better which is pretty much the fucking opposite of how my ears seem to behave.

My sad ass realizing I'm a slave to music after popping off. 

Another thing, I barely ever consciously choose the song that I listen to post-fap either. I sit there, do the deed, and then after a few seconds something will pop into my head. I have no control over what my brain chooses, it’ll just pick a song at random. It could be something I’ve been listening to a lot lately or something that hasn’t come up for weeks in the playlist. Sometimes I feel like a slave to its decision because if I do fap somewhere where I don’t have music available (like the shower), a song will still come into my head afterwards and I’ll be standing there hearing the same part of the song over and over again and wishing I had waterproof headphones in that bitch. 

Have you ever listened to music after fapping? If not, do me a solid and try it out and state your findings. Do you have your own unique ritual after masturbating? Enlighten your boy below!

Anon - Ali 4 years ago
Feel ashamed
Anon - Karen 4 years ago
Doctor, doctor, every time I finish masturbating, I sing the American national anthem.
Oh, that's normal. A lot of wankers sing that.
Anon - fappeningnow 4 years ago
Quickly close my tabs wondering how my kinks got so warped.
Anon - King Bitch 4 years ago
Work my other arm out so no one's the wiser.
Anon - Hottler 4 years ago
Swallow my own cum, so i dont lose it, because i never lose!
MrObvious 4 years ago
I resume my normal routine: Playing games, fanfics, anime, philosophizing on the VERY dark revelations of the postwar Bleach novels etc. It's the fairly normal routine especially with the current crisis. Sometimes I do it all with music in the background but never while fapping!
Droffats 4 years ago
Just feel empty for a few minutes, then get on with the rest of my day.
...What? You aren't supposed to yearn for the sweet release of death after you bust a nut?!
Washi-Washi 4 years ago
After I fap I actually dance cause it's pretty hype, either that or I take a nap
manuelUra 4 years ago
well, for myself, after I usually, need to go pee XD
Anon - Goth Girl 4 years ago
First I put the toys away, then I think about my inevitable death. Yes, I am fun at parties.