While the Overwatch fans and Marvel Rivals fans are going to keep fighting over which game is better, the Overwatch gooners and Marvel Rivals gooners are sharing the love with each other. Artist FUGTRUP is working on more Squirrel Girl porn, but that doesn’t mean they’re leaving Mei behind.
Squirrel Girl and Mei can share the spotlight together. They might be thicc, but we can fit both their thicc asses in our schedules. I’m still hype to finally get a long form NSFW animation with Squirrel Girl, with voice acting and sound effects. Something with all to work. I’m not sure if it’s going to be FUGTRUP who finally provides that to all of us, or another animator, but when that day comes, it’s going to be glorious. With how popular she is, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone is already cooking something up for us all. But at the moment, let’s keep on enjoying the sexy pin ups that we’re already served.
You can keep up with everything FUGTRUP over on their Subscribestar.
Don't worry, we still love you.
Who’s hotter, Squirrel Girl or Mei? Do you want to see a long form animation of Squirrel Girl? What’s better, Overwatch or Marvel Rivals? Tell us in the comments.
By comparison, f you went back to Squirrel Girl's first appearance...*shudders*