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Using A Vibrator To Get Off... As A Guy
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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In case you haven’t been around the blog very long, I am no stranger to completely and utterly degrading myself by explaining and posting my sexual research for the world to read. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it dammit. I’m always looking for ways that guys can spice up their masturbation practices without A) having to do loads of cleanup or preparation and b) having to pay a lot of money. Today I’ve come to report my latest findings for leveling up our masturbation with the mystical power of vibration.

It’s actually super common already for women to use vibrating toys but I haven’t seen much talk about men doing it. Well, except for the classic Xbox/Playstation controller vibration technique. Which if you haven’t heard about is basically finding a way to set the controller to constantly vibrate and then putting that on or around your dick. Not bad, but several problems arose when I tried… *cough* tested it. For one, it’s not easy to do these days. I tried looking for several ways to make the PS4 controller constantly vibrate but I’m not as big of a gamer as I used to be so I’m unfamiliar with a good spot in any video game to make it activate for extended periods of time naturally. I then searched for artificial ways to make it continuously vibrate, however that search ended in a lot of people telling me to do things that were way too much work to simply make a damn controller vibrate. Additionally, when I did manage to make it vibrate that shit was weak af. I doubt it would have been able to provide much stimulation in the first place. What I needed was an actual vibrator. Which is probably for the best cause I don’t want to be putting my dick on a controller in the first place.

Nah homie, you keep that one to yourself. I'll go get my own controller.

Recently my prayers were answered. I stumbled across a little handheld massaging machine at a giveaway and snatched that bad boy up. At the time I did it because damn my back gets stiff sometimes, but immediately after throwing it in the car I realized the treasure I now had in my possession. Gentlemen, I’m proud to announce I already had a successful fap. By placing the massager a little above the dick, I was able to feel some good… vibrations. Sorry. I’ll admit it took a minute to get going. After about five minutes I thought this trial was going to result in complete failure. Slow and steady eventually won the race however, and I can confidently say it was better than a regular hand fap. I thought that might have been a lucky break though so I did it once more before writing this article up. Thankfully I’m happy to report that I was able to recreate the magic so I’m confident this could be a new mix up technique to use every once in a while.

I still remember this scene, Uzaki loves her vibes.

Now a few disclaimers before I hang up my lab coat and go home for the day. I would definitely keep that shit on a low setting if you find a quality massager. You don’t want to beat your dick senseless. Secondly I would certainly not use this as a replacement for regular fapping. I’m pretty sure the dick area is not intended to take beatings from vibrations every single time you fap. But hey I’m not a doctor so what the fuck do I know. Have you ever tried to use a vibrator (in any form) to get off as a guy? Are you going to try it out? Leave some good vibes in the comments below!