Okay, okay, it seems like it’s appropriate to write a quick update article to answer a few burning questions about this whole thing. It’s time to come clean and reveal that I, Imaginary, am in fact still Kinky running articles behind the scenes! Aha, I did it all to trick you so I can write articles yet steer clear of my name and reputation being tarnished! …Just kidding. That wouldn’t make much sense now would it? I mean, have you seen some of the politically-charged articles that boy has already published under his name? Why the cold feet now? This isn’t the first time he’s received backlash and Imaginary’s been around on the site long before he did some topical articles.
I assure you that I am in fact a separate person. I mean, come on, don’t you see how much the spelling and grammar improves when I cover a few days for him? The diversification of the word choice? The descriptive language? No? Fuck. I’m not saying I wrote the Webster or anything but that boy’s an idea man and he does not let the conventions or mechanics of the English language stop him. Anyway, in addition to me being not a figment of his imagination, I AM on the site a lot more than we let on.
It's okay L, your theory was pretty close.
If anybody has paid attention to the times when Imaginary takes over, I usually do some analytical articles about something pertaining to sex games, or reviews of some sort. In those articles it seems like I know a lot more than I should for someone stepping in. I’m aware of past reviews on the site, Kinky’s style and key points when reviewing games, his thought process, etc. This would be because I have written every single game review that is under Kinky’s name. Listen that man’s constantly writing articles, working on his game, and now producing audio doujins for you guys. Even back when he started this gig he figured he eventually might not have time to do review articles since those take a lot longer. Therefore, we decided near the beginning that it was for the best if I cover them for the foreseeable future. That goes for the onahole reviews as well, barring one.
There you have it. The almost full truth of my real origin and role on the site. Not quite as deviously exciting as some of the speculation I’ve seen, but this should help put the curiosity at bay. I’ll see you guys tomorrow for a regular Sunday review article… just like I always have.
Did you ever notice the different writing styles? Anybody know which onahole review was the real Kinky’s? Does anybody give a fuck about the ever-deepening Doujins.com blog lore? Tell us in the comments below!