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The New Trigun Stampede Trailer Is Missing Someone?
By ImJustThatKinky ā€¢ 2 years ago
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We got a new trailer for the upcoming 3D Trigun reboot, Trigun Stampede. The 3D visuals are still looking good and on point. The changes theyā€™ve made to the setting and story still looks interesting. The reboot is looking like itā€™s at least going to be an enjoyable watch at the very least.


Theyā€™re really not much for me to really complain about. But, after watching the trailer fully and examining it. A key part of Trigun was visibly missing from this trailer, and thatā€™s the biggest elephant in the roomā€¦.well, biggest girl in the room.

Milly was nowhere to be seen in the trailer. I said a key part of Trigun, but to be honest, as someone who never fully watched Trigun, I could be wrong about that. Milly could be a very minor character to the whole story. It still sucks seeing a character that Iā€™ve grown to know to be a part of Trigun group, not even represented in the new reboot. She seem to be getting replaced by some chuckle fuck name Roberto.

This is not my Milly.

But even with Roberto being  included in the group and ruining the vibe, they at least gave us a noticeable character of the group with Meryl still being around and kicking it with Vash.

Now, this is a theory, but from the looks of Meryl, she looks younger from how she was in the original Trigun. And Roberto has brown hair just like Milly. Since this is a reboot, some things and events can change. What if this is the origin story of how Meryl and Milly met? Maybe Milly is the daughter of Roberto, or even if thatā€™s not the case, what if Milly joins the group later on in the journey. Either way, thatā€™s just me thinking and hoping to see Milly in some way shape or form. But thatā€™s just a theory, a ANIME THEORY!!! Thanks for reading.

Atleast the didn't forget my boy.

Are you sad that Milly wasnā€™t included? Do you think Milly will make an appearance in Trigun Stampede? Do you think Trigun Stampede is looking good? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 2 years ago
Milly added a strong degree of lighthearted humanity to the OG series, we'll see but without her the series just won't be the same.
Anon - dai 2 years ago
Yeah, no. Nonono. If there ever was an anime that didn`t need a reboot then it`s Trigun. Especially not a Vash-fuckboy-haircut-reboot
Anon - Anonymus 2 years ago
But who will make the sandwiches?
---------------- 2 years ago
This is a fucking disgrace. There's so much wrong with everything, from Vash actually looking like a joke with KH:BBS armour to the "modern cinema" style sction. But words alone can't make my argument. Go watch Trigun episode 5, you can find it dubbed on YouTube if you need to. Do that and get back to me, I'll elaborate on any point anyone wants to make.
Anon - Hung Lo 2 years ago
What in the world is up with the hair??? Vash's character design worked because of the iconic hair! Without that stout block on his head it would just be any old generic anime character! The hair was also a reminder of how badass he was when he's serious. It's that juxtaposition in character design and personality that made it work.

Also Wolfwood's smile in the trailer makes him look like a lech.
Anon - x hunter 2 years ago
milly and wolfwood were an official couple in the original anime
their relationship was much further than vash and meryl, thats for sure
Oddest Ball 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
I think they should have kept Wolfwood's cigarettes. His bent and crumpled smokes were about as iconic to him as his cross.
Gennos 2 years ago
I'll watch it at some point. However, if the trailer is any indication, I'll still prefer the original.
exodusee7 2 years ago
I would take Milly a THOUSAND times over the completely unlikeable bitch that was Meryl. Now there was a character
we sorely didn't need.
Anon - What? 2 years ago
This is a disgrace vash looks like a fucking dubstep DJ in cyberpunk 2077 clothes they seem to have gotten rid of the western feel which is what made the original a masterpiece of the 90s that cyborg arm is awful too it was supposed to be hidden until almost 10 episodes in