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The Difference Between Waifu and Laifu
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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As anime fans, I’m pretty sure we all have a waifu. I’m a piece of shit male, so I have multiple waifus that span across different series like Danganronpa, Boku no Hero, Naruto, Bleach, Persona, and many more. Yeah, I’m not really that loyal of a guy. But my waifus are nothing compared to my Laifu.

Now a waifu and laifu are two completely different things. A waifu is like my girl Asuka from Evangelion. I like her. She’s my type. A total tsundere, who yells and denies that she likes me. I love me a bratty girl every once in awhile. But in all honesty, she’s more of a fetish for me. In a real relationship, I’m pretty sure we would never last. I like her because she fits an aesthetic that I like and nothing beyond that. A real fuck and go.

She might be a bitch. But her being a bitch is what makes me want to fuck her even more.

But your Laifu, that’s something else. Raphtalia from Shield Hero, is the purest laifu since Rem from Re: Zero. A laifu is someone you like just for being themselves. I’m not really into girls with long hair and she doesn’t have that tsun attitude that I always go for, but she’s still just so amazing. She is someone who will have your back when no one else does. She’ll stand up for you, treat you with the same respect that you give her. She is someone who loves you for just being you. She might not fit your aesthetic, but she doesn’t have to, to capture your heart.

She was laifu from born.

What are some of your waifus? Who is your laifu? Is Raphtalia the best girl of this season? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - Chicago, IL 5 years ago
My waifu is my laifu, and I love everything about her. "Laifu" was what "waifu" meant back when the word first came out, so my waifu has always been my laifu. To this day I refuse to look up any potential hentai out there of her, and I always will refuse to. She is above all that. She will never be just a fetish or a memory in the spank bank. She's my anime everything.

No, I'm not telling who.
Anon - KarmaK 5 years ago
Let's remember the 3 parts of the Laifu Code:

1. You must love her unconditionally for her, not her body.
2. Changing Laifus us akin to divorcing and remarrying, so don't.
3. To keep the character alive, you must never beat your meat to hentai/porn of your Laifu.
MrObvious 5 years ago
As you may know,my Laifu will likely be Yoruichi from Bleach, sure she's sexy but her ninja warrior within alongside her relaxed/fun loving personality settle it. My Waifu will be Yoruichi's protégé Sui-Feng, she may be a dangerously cold blooded assassin but she's awesome in battle while being purely maiden like. I'd have both TBH. Sui-Feng may get me back in shape(if she doesn't kill me first).
Anon - Caed 5 years ago
1. Jeanne de Arc from Fate. I'm attracted as hell to her, and haven't quite kept up with that third rule, but as she's a virgin saint a good part of me prefers her just the way she is. She's at her most beautiful as an unspoiled icon. You only get her if you marry her.

1. Too many to count. One for every anime.
jupmod 5 years ago
Honestly, the manga/anime girls I like don't really fit either category. I love them for who they are, strong female characters who do not take any shit. They know what they are doing and have very few flaws. Tenten, Temari, Mirajane, Erza are my top four. I like other girls as well just not as much as these four. Anyone who knows me over at DeviantArt, knows I just love pairing
Anon - That Guy 5 years ago
I'm pretty positive Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo is my Laifu. I've always loved her.
kaishi10 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Specific characters, not so much. Specific Japanese VA (s), yes. (I never bother with dubs. I don't speak Japanese very well, but I can understand it unless they're talking extremely fast.) Best friend used to joke that I'd invariably get drawn to any character Yoko Hikasa ends up voicing. And he hasn't really been wrong about that. >_>;
Spekter 5 years ago
I hate casual like you that use it as shorthand of "girl of my type".
Anon - Donald Trump 5 years ago
I agree with ,IL’s comment about waifus being the same thing as laifus. In addition to that, I will say that Kim and Putin are my laifus and I refuse to see their hentai as well.
darkdesh 5 years ago
For sure Lacus from gundam seed.