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The Armor Stays On During Sex
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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Sometimes, you’re just not comfortable getting completely naked. It’s almost like how some people go swimming. They keep their t-shirt on. Yeah, it might seem weird to some people to wear a t-shirt when you’re about to hop in the water, but it’s what makes that person feel comfortable. It’s the same with these knight ladies drawn by Nise. You can fuck them, but the armor stays on.

Okay, maybe that's too much armor.

Now that's better.

I feel like I’ve always been a man who thought girls who wear a little bit of clothing while having sex, was hot. And a set of armor doesn’t change that. Might not be as accessible and easy to fuck a girl with armor on. You definitely couldn’t fuck in public with out making alot of clanking noises and getting caught. Also, her riding you cowgirl might be out of the question unless you two are trying to work-out, instead of having sex. But fucking her missionary or doing it doggystyle is still very viable. Fucking a girl from behind is the sexiest position anyways.

So if you’re now into knight armor wearing baes, Nise is the guy to follow, and hopefully other artist understand the beauty of keeping the armor on during sex.

Have you seen Nise art before? Do you think girls in knight armor are hot? Would you fuck a girl in knight armor? Tell us in the comments.

Oddest Ball 2 years ago
Whether it's heavy, medium, or skimpy, armor is hot on a woman.
Hectotane 2 years ago
Nudity. In 2022.

Kamito 2 years ago
At least they are wearing protection
WM-R 2 years ago
Considering that some forms of medieval armour made it easy to remove at least part of the bottoms in case you needed to go in a hurry, I can easily buy that as being "realistic".

Heh. And if you're into the non-con angle, what is more exciting than that bit when the lady's attacker _finally_ manages to unbuckleremove her armour?
---------------- 2 years ago
Congratulations on identifying another one of my extremely specific fetishes, because I love few things more than a pretty girl in plate. Except boobplate, get that uncreative hackjob nonsense out of here. That said, I am not a fan of the full helms; not seeing the face is an instant turn off for me, and it's just not very sensible to keep the visor down during sex anyway.
MrObvious 2 years ago
Haven't heard of this artist but now I'll do my research. They have a distinct appeal even if I prefer my waifus in more practical, skimpytight attire. Having such lady knight around will work wonders for home security that's for damn sure.
Anon - Thees nut's 9 months ago
exodusee7 2 years ago
I don't know why this is a thing, but it looks awful, both in concept and in "sexiness."