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The 5 Things That Kinky is Thankful For
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Thanksgiving is the holiday that reminds us to be thankful. I know it might seem hard to be thankful with 2020 being one of the worst years for many of us, but in the worst of times, you should try to look at all the things in your life that haven't gone to shit because of the coronavirus. I’ve made a “what I’m thankful for” article a while back, but I’m going to put a little more love into it this time around. So I’m going to talk about the 5 things that I’m thankful for.

5. Online Relationships

Well first I want to talk about a new experience I’m thankful for and it happened this year. Online relationships. I never thought I could get close to someone I randomly meet online. I always thought it would be something superficial or just a relationship that’s convenient in helping pass the time. But I learned that you can grow a deep and meaningful connection with someone that you’ve never met once before in real life. I’m happy to have a new person in my life that I can say is important to me, has helped me improve myself, and makes me happy. Just shows that you can meet great people anywhere.

Hopefully our relationship can reach the real world some day.

4. My Homie

And talking about people you meet online, how about we talk about people you meet offline. WakeUpSnooze is another blogger on this site, and also my best friend in real life. He’s someone that I’ve been friends with since high school, and I honestly didn’t believe he would become such an important and big part of my life. Him sticking with me has given me the drive and opportunity to do many different things, and I’m thankful for that. Hell, I wouldn’t be writing this article without him. He’s not only my friend, but my work buddy, my partner, my brother, my rock, and also MY BOI!!! I hope we can stay bois for many years to come.

You know you're the bois when you both use the same characters in an article.

3. My Mom

Parents, I only have one at this point and it’s my mother. Even without my dad, my mom fought for many years to raise me on her own, and I can never be more grateful for that. She’s gone through so much and suffered so much just to take care of me. Being a single mom and trying to raise a kid all on your own isn't easy to do. Me and my mom had many fights and disagreements over the years, but those conflicts only grew us stronger as a family. We only have each other, so we have to stick together. At this point, my mom isn’t just a mother to me, she’s also one of my best friends. She also is okay with me working at a hentai site, so that’s super LIT!!!

That's a mom who's proud to see her son working on hentai.

2. My Job

I’m truly thankful for my job here at It can be stressful sometimes, but I believe I bring that stress upon myself. The coronavirus left a lot of people without jobs, with lay off and also making jobs harder to find them. That’s why I’m thankful to still have a job at such a crazy time. I’m also thankful to you guys for sticking around here and reading my dumb articles and enjoying audio doujins. Cause without your guys support, I wouldn’t still be here. So thank you all.

Not even corona can stop my hentai job.

1. The Coronavirus

And the last one is a weird one, but I’m thankful for the coronavirus. NOW HEAR ME OUT!!! Do I wish that the coronavirus never happened? Yes, absolutely. But since it did happen, and I had to experience it, I just have to take it as it is. The coronavirus has fucked up many of our lives. My family has been affected by the coronavirus in ways. But, it also made me appreciate what I did have, and forced me to get my shit together. When you’re forced to stay inside, you have no choice but to change your lifestyle. So I’ve been working better on my health, body, and self. Slowly but surely, I’m seeing positive change in my life, and I’m happy about that. Life is shit, but that’s why we need to be happy about the small things we have in our life that makes us happy. We don’t need Thanksgiving to be thankful, we just always need to be thankful for the things we have. Cause even though your life might be shit, there’s always someone who’s life is shitter than yours. So keep your head high and try your best to be thankful even at the worst of times.

What are you thankful for? Is your life shit? Do you see some positives in the coronavirus? Tell us in the comments.