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"Thank You" For Fixing Momo's Slutty Outfit
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

They’re at it again. Ruining something and making a problem out of nothing. The sexy mature Class  1-A Vice President Momo Yaoyorozu has once again been shamed by people who think girls can’t show off some skin. The latest Boku no Hero chapter 214, starts with a color page of all the characters in medieval armor and gear.

Now, Bakugo showing of that sexy six pack is alright in these people eyes, but Momo showing off her proud sexy legs and mid rift for no one to judge, oh no no no, we can’t let that happen.

When will the slut shaming stop!!!

The editing of Momo’s outfit was shown off in this tweet with many people commenting “thank you”, praising them for the editing.

It truly makes me mad when I believe that the people who thinks Momo should have a costume change, are the same people who believe we shouldn’t slut shame girls for wearing revealing clothing. Make up your damn mind! The reason she’s so revealing is because of her quirk. She’s also the most serious female in the group, while also being the one that’s wearing the most embarrassing and revealing costume in the group. It’s suppose to show the contrast between her and her costume. But I guess since the manga was written by a MALE, it’s seen as him just making an excuse to make a character dress slutty huh? But, I wonder why he didn’t do that with the other female characters? They all seem to be wearing pretty non-revealing clothing? How about for thought…

Do you think Momo costume is to revealing? Is Momo’s quirk just an excuse to draw her in a sexy costume? Are you thankful for this less revealing edit of Momo? Tell us in the comments below.