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Stinking Is An Instant Turnoff
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 months ago

Nobody, outside of some rare kink enjoyers, likes to be stinky. There’s a reason we all shower so much in the modern era. This week on The Dangers in My Heart, this idea was brought to the forefront as we learn that our main girl Yamada isn’t on top of her shit when it comes to laundry. This results in an awkward situation where her gym uniform is rank on a day where the classmates have to partner up. Luckily our male MC is there to take one for the team and partners up with her, saving everyone else’s nostrils and her from further embarrassment. Man oh man did that get me thinking about how badly stench is as a turn-off. One bad whiff and depending on the area it came from, a date could be shattered instantly. I’ve been told that only the inexperienced expect dicks, pussies, asses, and the like to smell good so I’m not talking about those. I’m more so worried about problem areas that won’t be forgiven like a smelly underarm or an overall body odor.

This is of course a bigger threat in the summer, but ironically it’s when I feel safe from getting too stinky. I’m active enough that I can’t go long without a shower and lord knows when it’s time I’m pretty excited to get squeaky clean and fresh. The winter is where things get shaky for me. I can workout for an hour or two and still not break a sweat if it’s not a cardio-focused session. That leads to many occasions of “I’ll just shower tomorrow”. It’s way harder to strip down naked and go through the process in these colder temperatures in my experience. My nose isn’t the best either so I typically rely on “damn I sweated today, I gotta shower” as an indicator. In the winter I worry that I often may not realize I’m stinking until it’s already too late. On the brightside it’s not like I’m living or sleeping with anyone so right now it’s merely a hypothetical concern. And on the brighter side I’m not like Yamada where I let my clothes go for way too long without a laundry cycle.

I swear there's always one.

Maybe being stinky can be forgiven by some and this portrayal is a bit exaggerated regarding how embarrassing it is… but I don’t think so dawg. Regardless of the reason why, if someone finds you smelly I just don’t believe there’s many options for changing their newly acquired impression that you’re a caveman. Are you watching The Dangers in My Heart? On a scale of 1-10, how mortifying is someone claiming that you smell bad? Do you ever worry about being stinky? Pack your gym clothes, get some activity in, and remember that deo can only do so much in the comments below!