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Are You Scared to Be Outside at Night?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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I feel like this is just my paranoia talking, but being outside at night is hella scary. I’ve been checking out some of this season's anime, and Call of the Night is one of them. I’m an adult now, so things that used to be scary aren't so scary anymore, like the boogeyman, not scared of him anymore. But being out during the night time is still kind of unnerving to me.

I don't remember the boogeyman looking so sexy.

Now of course, it depends on how you’re actually out during the night. Like in a car, driving with a whole bunch of other cars, that’s all well and good. But if I'm in a car and I see no other cars on the streets, that shit hella gives me the creeps, like I’m in a horror movie and something can randomly pop up from the side of the car window at any time. I don’t know why I have that anxiety, but I just feel more comfortable when a lot of people are around.

Nice? What the fuck are you talking about? WHERE IS EVERYONE!!??

And that’s not even me getting into just walking out at night like Kou does. I definitely couldn’t do that. Walking on the sidewalk, in the pitch black night, where someone can easily come up and snatch my dumbass up. Like it’s dark as hell, and it’s usually barely any cars driving by at night unless you’re like on a REALLY busy street, so I wouldn’t be surprise if some fucking weirdo feet bolden enough to finally kill someone that night. AND THAT SOMEONE IS ME!!!

Oh, here's my local pedo ready to snatch me up or kill me.

But if I can say anything nice about being outside during the night, it’s that it feels nice and relaxing. The night sky darkness gives you this calm feel, with hearing all the different bugs and animals making noises. I also really enjoy the temperature and the gentle cool breeze that the night can usually give off. But the relaxing atmosphere of the night sky just makes it easier for the killers to get you while your guard is down, so I guess in the end, the night's positive can also become a negative.

Do you like being outside during the night? Are you scared to be outside during the nighttime alone? Have you watched Call of the Night? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - King Bitch 2 years ago
When you live in an area with high gun deaths, it's a smart idea to not stay out too late.
Then again, I wish I was lucky enough to meet a werewolf waifu.
Chaos729 2 years ago
Wasn't before, but now I am because of things going on D:
MrObvious 2 years ago
Not afraid myself. Where I live it's better to do things at sunset or night due to the intense heat of Southwest summers. Have walked and jogged late at night and even after 3 am, the quiet is eerie and the noises you hear do put you on guard but as a whole you get used to it. As for having a vampire waifu like Nazuna: yes please. Need to check this series out.
kelb 2 years ago
If you're not old enough to disinterest the local pedo, you shouldn't be writing here.
Anon - Random 2 years ago
I actually enjoy being outside at night. I get off work at about 3am some nights and it's quiet and peaceful. Empty streets for relaxing drive, cool drive on summer time. It's not bad.
Gennos 2 years ago
Like most kids, it used to be a problem. My time in the military made me appreciate and adore the night time. Many people fear the dark. It's instinctual. When you train, fight and are forced to live in those conditions, you gain an overwhelming advantage over the average person. Another perk is that there are typically fewer people around. The less people the better.
Anon - Yeasure 2 years ago
I just figure, if anything happens to me that threatens my life while I'm out at night, that I'm just gonna let it happen. Sometimes you need a little danger in life, y'know? Lol
kelb 2 years ago
I haven't been scared of the dark or the night since I was just a boy. Learning to wrap yourself in shadows to protect yourself and to stalk and hunt goes a -long- way toward alleviating such fears. I could see how city-folk might not ever get there without making a deliberate choice to go out of their way to do so.
exodusee7 2 years ago
I'm fine at night. I think areas that are known to be unsafe or if it's eerily quiet are probably what make me the most uncomfortable.
Noah_Webster 2 years ago
I like walking outside at night. I live a one-light town, so i don't see anyone while I'm out. It's best when the day had rain followed by intense sun. On the nights that follow I can walk through the street and the puddles and road are warm to my bare feet. A fog helps set the atmosphere and makes me feel like I'm somewhere alien. There's nothing quite like it.