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Soul Calibur 6 Continues to One-Up Dead or Alive 6
By Kasaix β€’ 6 years ago
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While Dead or Alive 6 looks to be tearing apart its own legacy of sexy girls fighting one another in sexy outfits, Soul Calibur 6 is embracing that history and building upon it as good game devs are aught to do. Launching on Oct. 19, Otakomu and this imgur album gives us an idea of just how great the Soul Calibur waifus are going to look while fighting an evil sword to save the world.

In a time when fictional girls can't even show off digital skin, this is a goddess send of lewd attire. Even the beacon of sexy fighting girls, Dead or Alive, is struggling in this environment that should not even be. Soul Calibur has officially taken its place.

What do you think of Soul Calibur's sexy outfits? Is this a deciding factor for getting the game? Sound off in the comments below!

Anon - Anon 6 years ago
I just love that the devs took a stance against the idiotic censorship while other companies are pussing out and kissing asses, I'm totally picking up this game. GOOD FOR THEM!!!
Anon - betterlatethannever 6 years ago
This is probably a good thing. The devs looked at the backlash from DOA and thought there is a market we can capture here.
MrObvious 6 years ago
Good. But Taki and her bodysuit,with her hard nipples poking a peek, her firm ass made apparent and tight crotch barely hidden will be the main staple. Maybe modders will expand this, wouldn't mind seeing her and other SC babes in gym bloomers, yoga pants bike shorts etc. Me and my PC are
Oddest Ball 6 years ago
Never been interested. I was slightly interested in 4 when I heard Vader, his apprentice, and Yoda were in it, but it still wasn't enough for me to get it.
Hectotane 6 years ago
Still has the "Block/Guard" button.

Nope. Soul Calibur's issue is still there.

The people behind DOA6 are atleast trying to fix there problem. (: They put their /e/ material into Xtreme Volleyball and Venus Vacation. Who plays a fighting game with difficult blocking features?