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Sailor Moon Fights STDs With Condom Initiative
By Yung Namahage • 5 years ago
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Sailor Moon was one of the first anime series I ever remember watching, and I clearly remember having a juvenile crush on Usagi & the squad back in the day. I'm sure it was responsible in exposing many others to cute anime girls for the first time, so it makes sense in a weird way that a new campaign to teach people about sexual health is being rolled out featuring the image of many otaku's first ever waifu.

A collaborative effort between Hiroshima FM Broadcasting, Fukuoka CROSS FM, Okamoto Travers Institute, Act Against AIDS and Okamoto Travers Institute is set to educate Japanese youths about sexually transmitted infections, and this includes handing out free rubbers featuring the image of Usagi & Luna looking kawaii as ever on the packaging.

Image result for poster

If you really want to get your hands on one, you're gonna have to get to Japan ASAP as they're only available today (October 5 2019) at Marquise in Fukuoka, or on the 14th of this month at Alice Garden in Hiroshima. Don't be surprised to see them getting auctioned off online sooner or later as diehard collectors of Sailor Moon merch or branded condoms snap them up at exorbitant prices. Or you could just relax at home to one of our many doujins featuring the Sailor Guardians. I know which I'd rather do.

What do you think about the Sailor Moon condoms? If you had one, would you use it or keep it for the novelty? Which anime would you use to raise awareness about sexual health? Let us know in the comments!

Anon - Anonanon 5 years ago
I'm sure it's effective because Japan, but if I'm being honest having Sailor Moon on a condom with her judging eyes would be super-awkward.
Gryph25 5 years ago
I'd have to frame it and display it. Have to chuckle at how cultures handle awareness so differently. I just can't see Minnie, Diana, or Ororo being cross branded with STD Barrier Devices. Maybe Huntress or She Hulk might swing it, but big prime characters. No the book keepers and censors would freek.
agitar 5 years ago
i honestly dont know how to feel about this one.