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Blue Lock Is The Sports Anime We Needed
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
•  2033  •   0 2

Now I’ll be honest. Me and Snooze didn’t have much high hopes for Blue Lock when watching the first few episodes. But luckily for Blue Lock, its unique approach to the sports genre compared to other sports anime kept us watching, hoping that something would come out of it. And I’m happy to say that it did.

I feel like most people who checked out Blue Lock did it for the same reason that we did, it looked like a savage and raw sports anime about soccer. Which it is. It delivered super hard in that aspect, which I really enjoyed and was happy about. What I didn’t expect was for the characters to grow so much and actually be more than just archetypes.

Look at these chuckle fucks.

Where I thought this was just going to be a savage soccer sport anime about people working less as a team and more for themselves, became a show that balances the aspect of teamwork and rivalry in a way that doesn't feel forced or stupid. It’s not a show that just relies on its different concept, but just uses it as a device that helps the story progress.

These boys grew on me hard.

Blue Lock is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the sports anime genre and also just a solid show in general. It’s not good just because it’s a different kind of sports anime that’s not just all about teamwork, it’s a good show just because it’s a good show. And I’m happy to hear it's getting a season two, so MORE EDGY SOCCER IS ON THE WAY!!!

Did you watch Blue Lock? Why did Blue Lock interest you? Are you hype for Blue Lock Season 2? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 1 year ago
I'll have to check it out, it will be a change of pace from the usual especially waiting for Bleach's second cour. Last sports manga/anime I read and watched was Prince of Tennis.
camacaze199 1 year ago
Ehh I always found sports anime to have the same problems as sport video games