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Ryuko Let’s Senketsu Take Her Virginity
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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How many people watched Kill la Kill and wished that they were Senketsu? He’s a cool pair of highschool girl clothing and he has a cool ass voice too. But, the main reason someone would want to be Senketsu is because he gets to be wrapped around Ryuko’s sexy body all day. Well in this great Kill la Kill audio by Bounsweet, who voiced an amazing Ryuko, you get to be Senketsu and live out your fantasy of touching all over Ryuko body. All the while Ryuko being a tsundere as you take her virginity and bring her to that climatic finish.

If you want the full audio, you can buy it on gumroad. You can also check out her Patreon for more audio.

What did you think of the audio? Do you think Senketsu is cool? Would you like to be Senketsu? Tell us in the comments.