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Ryoko and Ayeka Fight Over Your Dick
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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We all love our new hotnesses, but we always need to remember old relatables. Tenchi Muyo was one of those old harem animes that had a great selection of waifus to choose from. And it was always hot seeing the girls fight over the main character, it was like every guys dream. Well today, you can live out that fantasy as Ryoko and Ayeka fight over your dick. But even though seeing two girls fight over your dick is hot, maybe two girls sharing your dick would be even hotter. This script wouldn’t have been possible without Sun Kaioh creative and naughty mind. And the lovely voice of Ryoko and Ayeka was done by the talented MillyStern. And the sloppy and immersive sound was done by SoundGate.

Ryoko and Ayeka Fight Over Your Dick

Have you seen Tenchi Muyo? Who’s better, Ryoko or Ayeka? Would you like to see more Tenchi Muyo porn? Tell us in the comments below.

Hentai121 5 years ago
God damn it, Ryoko was my first waifu and anime boner. Ryoko wins, fight me.
Anon - That Guy 5 years ago
Ryoko was my very first weeabo crush.
Anon - Skinny Penis 5 years ago
Will we get more Persona 5 audio doujins? I was exited to get something with Makoto! ;3
Anon - Fat Mike 5 years ago
I was always a fan of Ayeka personally
Anon - assclap 5 years ago
I prefer Washu for her smarts, but the other waifus are pretty before we get to ova where the space bitch goes and throws waifus in for the sake of
God Revan 5 years ago
I died laughing at the start when she "spied"- uh, I mean, "accidentally saw him naked". LMFAO!!!
Anon - Asap Haki 5 years ago
Ah yes, a classic one indeed
Anon - Some Guy 5 years ago
More Tenchi porn would be great and while I do favor Ryoko, I wouldn’t mind listening to a continuation with Ayeka’s turn. Also one with Mihoshi and Kiyone would be nice
Rasendori!!! 5 years ago
lol nether of them
Anon - Kanz 5 years ago
Nah, I don't want Ryoko and Ayeka to fight for my dick, I leave that for Kiyone and Mihoshi. I rather have the main chicks from Tenchi Muyo force Hiroki Hayashi to make new episodes and they can force him to do new El Hazard and Battle Athletes too.