Winning a gold medal at the Olympic Games confers a great deal of honor and respect. It means you're one of the greatest in your field. You went to the world stage and defeated the very best that countries around the world could find. Alina Zagitova of Russia took home the gold in the ice skating competition in 2018. She took part in the first anniversary of the Madoka Magica smartphone game Magia Record. Take a look her grace and style to the theme of the second Madoka movie 'Hikari Furu', with an accompanying behind the scenes below.
Now let's discuss the sexy elephant in the room. What in Madoka's name is a gold medal-winning Russian figure skater doing in a CM for a Japanese-only smartphone game? She's not a fan of the series, admitting that she is not familiar with the series, and finds the despised Kyubey "cute". I mean, she rocks that Madoka-themed outfit. I'd move to Russia and convert to whatever they wanted me to convert to for a chance to be with Alina. I just don't know why she's in this thing. It can't be the money, it's a Japanese-only smartphone game. Maybe she liked the outfit? Regardless, it's a great video, and Alina is amazing in it.
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