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NSFW Creators Are Getting Randomly Suspended Off Of Twitter
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

Twitter is getting scary. A lot of NSFW artists are being randomly suspended off the platform. Many of them you may have heard about in these very articles. I might write individual articles on some of these artists, but for now, I want to talk about the horrible thing that is happening to these innocent NSFW artists.

There are a few reasons why people think these NSFW artists are getting booted off of Twitter. Some say it’s because their Twitter banner or profile picture are too lewd, and another reason is because some of them post lewd Nintendo content. GOD DAMN YOU NINTENDO!!!

Why would Nintendo want to get rid of something so beautiful.

It seems random when it comes to who gets suspended and who doesn’t. A lot of artists do the same content as another artist, but they both aren’t punished for it. It seems random to who Twitter suspends and who they don’t. And many NSFW creators tried to contact Twitter to get their account unsuspended and hearing nothing back for weeks. It’s shitty, you work so hard to get over 50k followers, just to lose them all, with no real hope of getting them or your account back. So that’s why I want to talk about the NSFW creators I followed who had to create new accounts after being suspended.




Why do you think these creators got suspended? Why do Twitter never seem to help NSFW creators get their account back? Would you make a new account after losing 50k followers on your main account? Tell us in the comments.