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Netflix Leaves a Negative Impact on Evangelion Fans
By Yung Namahage • 5 years ago
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Anime fans all over the world have been hyped for months since news broke of Netflix aquiring the streaming rights to Neon Genesis Evangelion. While it may be one of the most highly regarded anime series of all time, it's been kind of difficult to watch legally, so surely Netflix would do their best and give the show the respect it deserves when bringing it to the widest possible audience?

Yeah, about that... Eva fans are rarely a cheerful bunch but Netflix certainly haven't helped much. Firstly, the dub. The original ADV Films English dub has a place in the hearts of many OG western fans of the series, so they weren't impressed when Netflix announced they'll be redubbing the show with completely different voice actors. Spike Spencer (original English voice of Shinji Ikari) and Amanda Winn-Lee (original English voice of Rei Ayanami) claimed they were allowed to reaudition for their parts but didn't get through. 

Another thing is that the series' famous end theme, a chill cover of Bart Howard's Fly Me to the Moon by Claire Littley, has been replaced by generic, mopey piano music that has nowhere near the same reflective vibes as the original ED. Supposedly, Netflix in Japan still has Fly Me to the Moon so it's possible they couldn't afford to license it everywhere else. But they have no problem blowing $100 million to keep Friends for another year.

Those who prefer subs to dubs still aren't safe from the hands of Netflix. Several lines have been changed, giving them a different tone to the original, e.g. Shinji's infamous line "I'm so fucked up" in End of Evangelion is now "I'm the lowest of the low," which doesn't quite have the same ring to it. The most controversial example of Netflix's meddling is in episode 24, where Kaworu Nagisa is introduced. After Shinji has been bossed around or neglected by just about every other character, he meets a beautiful boy that's actually friendly toward him. After chilling together, Kaworu tells Shinji he loves him, but that's been changed slightly in the Netflix subs (shown on the right, original is on the left.)

It's worth noting that in the original Japanese, Kaworu uses the word "suki", which is more ambigous than the romantic "aishiteru". But Evangelion is nothing if not open to individual interpretation, and many see Shinji finally finding a suitable romantic partner that loves him for who he is as opposed to the emotionless Rei, cold Asuka and neurotic Misato. After all, his journey throughout the series is a mental one, which leads to him discovering himself as he sees himself instead of how everyone else wants him to be, so why can't he discover himself sexually as well? If you've seen the show you'll know why this isn't explored much further but fans of Kaworu, yaoi and BL shipping are outraged at how a seemingly minor change can lead to reinterpretation of the show's themes at best, or gay erasure at worst.

It seems that by making Eva widely available for the first time, Netflix have lost some of what made it special in the first place. Long-time fans are worried that by watching it on Netflix, new viewers who want to see what the hype is about aren't going to experience it as intended. They could buy one of the home releases, but that's much less convenient than paying a monthly fee for streaming.

What do you think of the way Netflix handled Evangelion? Do you prefer the old dub or the new one? Did they really make Kaworu less gay? Let us know what you think in the comments.

marcus-hentai-05 5 years ago
Why do they have to redo the English dub?
Hectotane 5 years ago
Netflix thinks it's getting props for digging up a dead horse. They also think they can modernize its dub (and sub). Really, man?

Netflix is better off turning another Pretty Cure series into Glitter Force; leave the controversial animu to those who'd roll around in it.
Anon - Karen 5 years ago
Right. So, now, netflix is homophobic.
magewolf 5 years ago
i'm one of the lucky one's that not only was introduced to the show back when i was the same age as the pilots, but i've had the distinct pleasure of meeting some of the cast. i've compared the "end" movie to various things while chatting with shinji himself,(spike) and can say that tiffany grant it as sweet as her girl asuka is iconic. so this is already on my bad side, and this news didnt help.
Anon - Anon 5 years ago
After everything I heard, Eva is what made me not trust people anymore, when it comes to anime recommendations. EVA was just 26 (or however many) episodes of Shinji moping around, with about 20 minutes of giant robot fights throughout the whole series. I know I won't ever watch it again, so I don't care, at all, about any changes Netflix makes to it.
Bibidibabidiboo 5 years ago
Too bad for English fans, but I don't think they changed it that much for other languages (except the ED) so I don't really care.
Anon - angel of doubt 5 years ago
sounds pretty stupid to make this blog article lol
Aceofcard 5 years ago
don't care
Anon - anoniimmeee 5 years ago
What the first netflix changes the gender of a character to be more progressive and pc even though that character was already pretty damn progressive simply by being a sensitive straight male and now they're changing the scene between Shinji and I'm beginning to think these people are simply trying to destroy classic animes at this
mrericx 5 years ago
If Netflix gonna redubbed/resubbed other famous Gainax anime series like Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, His & Her Circumstance, Mahoromatic, etc. then I'll gonna cancel my Netflix subscription.