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Kiryu Learn How To Speak English And It Sounds…BAD?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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Yakuza: Like a Dragon 8 is slowly approaching. The Yakuza games were renamed Like a Dragon with its 7th introduction, changing the name, and also its combat system. Something else that’s kind of new to the entry, is English voice acting, most likely so it can reach out to a broader audience, since they’re already making a huge leap with changing it from beat'em up combat to turn based. Well, I can safely say that I enjoy the English voice cast for the main group of characters that you’re playing with the OG Like a Dragon, but with Like a Dragon 8, and Yakuza stample is coming in with his new English voice, and let me just say, it’s breaking more that just the law.

The new English dub for Kiryu Kazama, Yong Yea, is getting flamed on twitter for his singing performance in Like a Dragon 8. He’s even done a side by side comparison of the original Japanese Kiryu and his English rendition of the voice, and let me just say, it’s easier to see the difference in quality.

Now I don’t think Yong is a bad voice actor, but his voice doesn’t fit what I’ve come to know from Kiryu. Kiryu has this intimidating, get the job done aura and voice. While Yong just sounds like an evil nerdy villian/crime boss. While Japanese Kiryu solve things with his fist, English Kiryu solve things with his words and big money.

It’s not like other VAs in the English cast didn’t have to sing on karaoke night. The hobo Namba even had to sing the iconic Bakai Mitai, and it sounds pretty good.

With Yong going around blocking anyone who shows distaste for his performance, and people digging up past times when he took jabs at Chris Pratt for his performance as Mario, I’m wondering how this is all going to pan out, and conclude. Maybe once the game actually drops, we’ll learn to love Yong’s Kiryu…or, just learn how to deal with it…OR, just change it to the Japanese audio. It’s not like Yakuza was known for its English dub anyways. Or, play Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, with its new free English dub patch, to see how his performance is.

What do you think of Yong’s singing? Do you think Yong is going to do a bad job as Kiryu? Are you getting Like a Dragon 8? Tell us in the comments.

Oddest Ball 1 year ago
Never gonna switch from Japanese.
tanakaba 1 year ago
I wish they just gave Kiryu a thick accent like he actually learned English, but I guess things like accents are cancellable offenses these days.
revan193 1 year ago
Jeez, give the guy a chance by actually playing the game. And of course YongYea is blocking people, if people are annoying you a lot or just insulting you for something you're doing, wouldn't you block people on social media?
Reigan 1 year ago
Fuckin ayy... that's the worst english VA I've heard in long time when it comes to a video game.
MrObvious 1 year ago
Well, that was um, certainly something.
Hectotane 1 year ago
I didn't think the voice-acting was that bad (from that first video).

It sounded like Guilty Gear Strive's Sol when he learned to take marijuana.
Anon - hard truth 1 year ago
If you watch a dub you're a piece of a shit.
Anon - This Is Stupid 1 year ago
Honestly who gives a shit? This just sounds like 'the internet' being outraged over stupid bullshit because that's what the internet does and something something "Subs>Dubslollmao".
aids2 1 year ago
It's not bad, but it sounds like Kung Pow.
Any moment I'm expecting to hear, "WOW! THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS!!"