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Is Trap a Slur?
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Trap. It’s a genre I like, and a genre I frequent. Trap to me is a cute anime boy who looks like a girl. That’s what I believe, and that’s what I still believe. But as I’ve gotten older and been seeing guys actually pull off the trap look, I’m happy to say that traps can even be real. Guys have the ability to look as cute, and sometimes even cuter than girls?! 

Crazy the times we live in.

But did you know, that trap isn’t just used to describe a cute boy that looks like a girl. Oh no my degenerates of society. It’s also used to describe trans people in a hateful way?! Yeah, I know, I can’t believe it either.

Believe it or not, people are saying that trap is a slur, and used to be hateful towards trans. Now I know I’m around forums from time to time, and comment sections, but I know that I haven’t really seen trap being used in a negative way towards trans or anyone really. Trap to me was also just a description, to describe someone. I feel like the people who actually get offended by the word trap, are the kind of people who try to make a problem out of nothing. Those people who want to be the victims so bad.

The word trap was never created out of hate, it was created to describe a type of character in anime, a character that many like by the way. If people want to flip it and turn it to something negative, then that’s on them, but don’t act like this word was built on hate.

Do you think trap is a slur? Do you think people who are offended by the word traps are being too sensitive? Do you like traps? Tell us in the comments below.

kelb 4 years ago
It's not a slur. Trans-trenders are trying desparately to make it one so they can get some of those sweet victim points that the so-called "progressives" use as their social capital. Most people don't give a flying rat's ass that trans exist at all, just like they don't care about anyone at all outside their immediate social circle. It's power politics nonsense. Don't cede them the term.
Anon - glassbones 4 years ago
So, uh, trans person here. two things to say.
first off, a couple of y’all in the comment section here are some hateful mfers. keep that shit in check.
secondly, though, one of the Anon’s got it right- Trap is a pornographic term. It’s used when searching for or talking about porn. So don’t use that shit in the meatspace. Mainly cause it’s fucking cringe.
other than that. (cont. ====>)
Anon - JJ 4 years ago
There is enough political correctness in our lives please let not bring it into this community too.
Anon - VNT 4 years ago
It was literally created to describe anime and video game boys that looked so feminine that people thought they were girls. Lauren from Turn A Gundam, Bridget from Guilty Gear are the first two traps.
kaishi10 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
I don't think 'Trap' is a slur, it can & has been used as such tho. It's also not JP original - the term was NOT coined by the JP fandom. It was coined by the English-speaking fandom and then appropriated by the previously mentioned JP fandom. (Mainly because of the utility. It's very accurate - both as a slur and as descriptive depending on your POV context.)
impyros 4 years ago
I think trap like trap music. It's a name that describes a particular character type in anime, manga, or hentai. Whether it's negative or not probably falls under a person's personal tastes.

I've seen Andava's trap boi. I'm on board with that hotness.
exodusee7 4 years ago
The word "trap" is only used to refer to a character who looks like one gender, but turns out to be another. Commonly used as
a comedy trope where a male (or female) character falls for or hits on said character, only for the comedy punchline to reveal
"surprise! I'm actually a boy/girl!", embarrassing the character.
jupmod 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
(shrug) Never heard of the word used as a sexual definition until I came this site. I always thought of the word by its *original* official definition. So no, I had not ever heard the word used as a slur word against trans people.
Washi-Washi 4 years ago
Dude it's the same as saying someone's Ebony or some shit, it's a sexual phrase and or a compliment, people gotta fuck off
Anon - Anon 4 years ago
Trap is a sexual term, to be used when looking for porn, never heard anyone use it in real life.