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Is Throwing A Chair Doing Too Much?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 7 months ago
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Sometimes, things aren’t that serious. Too many people nowadays try to do something shocking, or crazy just to get engagement, views, likes, or be the next trending video. This sad fact about the internet is why you’ll see a lot of hammed up reactions, and people overreacting over something that isn’t even that exciting. I love the FGC, and the iconic pop off moments that they’re known for. But, people want to try to recreate these pop off moments, and they come off more cheesy than genuine.

Shit only got 1k likes, not even something you can call a hit tweet. So our boy Dyloch, most likely was trying to recreate a pop off moment that people were talking about recently, where HungryBox got so excited after winning, that he was possessed into throwing a chair.

While Hungrybox was a genuine pop off moment, Dylon is just a cheap imitation. And that cheap imitation is going to cost him.

So you did a shitty pop off, and you also lost money. You can’t even enjoy your tournament winnings, cause you were hoping to be the next trending meme. Well, you might actually become a trending meme, but not for the right reasons. Luckily, Jebailey is a kind soul, and only made him pay for the replacement parts, and not the whole light. 

So remember people, stop throwing chairs, and respect the tournament property.

Do you enjoy pop offs? Do you think Dyloch was trying too hard? Have you ever thrown a chair because you were excited? Tell us in the comments.

Chaos729 7 months ago
Fucking cringe esports, lmfao
fella 7 months ago
Dude, it's the FGC. The whole fucking thing is too much
jupmod 7 months ago
Nothing new. I remember back in the 1990's there was a fight on The Geraldo Rivera Show, and someone threw a chair that cracked Rivera's nose.
MrObvious 7 months ago
Once as a kid I got so excited at defending Helms Deep in The Two Towers game on XBOX that I nudged my chair hard enough that it caused a dent in the wall that needed plastering and painting. Was playing standing up. It happens be it excitement, rage or clout.
Anon - Name 7 months ago
Man I got my hopes up for nothing. I was expecting this to be a WWF article about how throwing a chair somehow caused massive controversy amongst all social medias, as if it's never been done before, and now the chair thrower has to face reprimands and defamation due to something that literally happens all the goddamn time.

I enjoy a good pop off as much as anyone else though.
Void-Lord 7 months ago
No, a simple fist pump is all I need.
BootyHunter 7 months ago
Well, We did get Aerith / Aeris with Steel Chair..
Anon - Weenis 7 months ago
Long time fgc competitor. I've popped off once in a major hitting the table, wasn't that hard of a hit and it turned off the monitor lmao and all my ecitement just sank hoping I didn't break anything. Fortunately I didnt and honestly for the amount of time we put on practice these rushes of emotions get the better of us. Just need to be careful in the future.
Anon - Gothine 7 months ago
With Hungry and Liquid it's understandable a 3-2 victory means it was a close and hard-earned win. With Dyloch a 3-1 victory is good but feels lack luster compared to a close match and does not have as big of an impact, so throwing the chair comes off as... well... "doing it for the memes!"
Gennos 7 months ago
So I'm guessing it's a mix of a couple things. One, people who try to emulate professional (?) wrestler antics; two, people who want to emulate the garden variety black thuggery for some reason. The first is usually harmless but the second has low IQ, poor impulse control and needs to be disciplined harshly otherwise they'll just keep acting like a moron and destroying shit.