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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Pops Off, Claims #2 Spot
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

Let me quickly elaborate on what kind of number #2 spot as I couldn't fit it all into the title. Last weekend, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 claimed the second spot for biggest movie openings for three day weekends in Japanese history. In case you missed it, a little movie called Demon Slayer: Mugen Train released and broke records and it’s still holding down the #1 spot. Still, this is pretty impressive considering people were already wondering how many years upon years it would take for a movie to even come close to challenging the earnings of Demon Slayer in Japan. The reality was not too long at all. Additionally, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 claimed the spot of second best opening day based on revenue, once again falling short only to Demon Slayer

Don’t get me wrong, I'm a big Jujutsu Kaisen shill, even more so than I am for Demon Slayer, but this was above my expectations. The anime is simply not as popular as Demon Slayer, at least not over here in the West and while there were some questions floating around as to whether or not Jujutsu Kaisen would overthrow Demon Slayer to take the crowned number one spot, well I was skeptical to say the least. I imagined it would do relatively well, maybe making its way into the top ten earners of all time. As a fan of the series I’m just damn happy it shot up to the moon and shattered my expectations thanks to the support of the Japanese fanbase. Now what I need you cucks to do is bring that bad boi over here so I can watch it in theaters myself.

I need to see my girl on the big screen YESSIR!

As this rate, are fucking shounen movies that are produced and released in the middle of a developing anime going to take over all the top ten spots? Eh probably not, but they sure struck gold with this little formula these two times. I wonder if other companies will be attempting to mimic the tactic. Do you want to watch Jujutsu Kaisen 0? When do you think Demon Slayer: Mugen Train will be topped based on earnings? Use the restroom, grab some popcorn, find your seat, and leave a comment below!