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Is One Piece a Must Read Manga?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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I talked about one of the must watch anime for anime fans. Now I’m talking about a manga that is a must read for anime fans, and that manga is One Piece.

With over a thousand chapters and still going strong, One Piece is definitely a scary series to get into. It’s a huge investment, but many fans swear up and down that it’s worth it. Many of my friends tried to convince me to read it, but I just can’t find the time to read all those chapters. I’m not saying I won’t like it, but man a 1000 chapters sounds like a journey.

One reason I never really found One Piece interesting at first is because of the art style and just overall design. I can see the charm in it now, but people having weird limbs and being  drawn like goofy cartoon characters really didn’t appeal to me in the beginning. But that really doesn’t matter when even after 1000 chapters, I hear people saying that One Piece never misses. I feel like that’s a huge cap and just hardcore fans being blinded by the love they have for the series, but it’s possible. Oda crafted the story of One Piece in a way that helps give freedom to do whatever he wants. A wacky world and cast of characters that can be shaped in any way he sees fit, without ruining the overall vibe of the story. He truly made a story that leaves him a lot of wiggle room to be creative and adventurous.

Now even though One Piece has an anime, there’s a reason why I didn’t put it on the list of other anime that people say you need to watch if you’re an anime fan. It’s because a lot of One Piece fans say that the anime doesn’t do the series justice. The art quality can be lacking in some episodes, even though the anime does have its high moments when it comes to animation. But the biggest reason is that people say that the pacing of the anime is very slow and can be boring. With them needing to adapt 1000 chapters, if the pacing isn’t right, I can see that being a hell of a drag.

So MAYBE one day, I’ll finally find the time to read this big and legendary series. Maybe in 5 more years when it’s finally done.

Have you read One Piece? Do you think people should read One Piece? Do you think the One Piece anime is good or bad? Tell us in the comments.

anon 2 years ago
You read one arc and you read em all. Sure, there are new powers, but it's all "hit harder" or "be tougher". The new friend will have a very sad story, everyone will cry a lot, Luffy will punch the seemingly invincible arc villain enough times that everyone cheers, and someone will say something cryptic about the One Piece.
Anon - King Bitch 2 years ago
It's not a story written by a god as many on their knees will claim, and it's not a well-written pile of hot garbage as others will rave with bloodshot eyes and drool in their teeth, but One Piece is a special manga that you may not see ever again. It would be a waste to not enjoy it while it's still around.
Crazymantis91 2 years ago
It's probably not as good or bad as people make it out to be, but it is one of the longest manga out there. At 1,059 chapters total, I probably don't have time to read it all. Maybe some day.
Anon - SnakeIsDead29 2 years ago
No its not a must read.
Is it good? Yes their are some good parts in the manga, such as that arc where they tried to rescue Ace.
MrObvious 2 years ago
Read some of it in my younger years, what I liked was Luffy and his crew standing against and utterly decimating some pretty vile and seemingly unstoppable villains. Arrogant, murderous, egomaniacal and Luffy would send them flying. Yes, it's well worth signing on with the Strawhats.
Anon - Scrimblorp Miyagipah 2 years ago
To quote a certain Lyle Rath: "If you're not caught up on One Piece, you don't need to watch it from the start. You can just start at whenever." And that man's right about everything. He left the stove on so he could fight a food critic in a burning building, what's your excuse?
GrammarNazi 2 years ago
It's certainly my favorite. If you like badass fight scenes, a story of liberation and freedom, and a grand and epic adventure, then give One Piece in any form a shot. It's well worth a slow grind, especially now that it's coming to an end soon.
Anon - Ven 2 years ago
There are no "must do" in any cultural content. This is the point about experiencing. Do it the way you fell.
Anon - Uhnon 2 years ago
If you haven't read it, read the first 100 chapters. Which sounds like a lot, but out of 1,050 that's less than 10%, and shows you different people with different goals.
Even if it takes you a few weeks or months, give it a try, when you've got some spare time. It really sets the tone and we start seeing the camera zoom out to start showing the scope of the series.
7thManiac 2 years ago
I think it is. Regardless of my opinion of it (I am a fan to be clear), I feel like it's one of those properties so big that if someone is into the medium they have to at least try it once.