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How Ann's Social Link is a Waste and Uninteresting
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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I’m just a simple man, who hate simple girls. And when it comes to simple and basic, Ann is the girl for you. When it comes to the full cast of female characters, definitely out of your female party members, Ann stick out to me as the one who potential was waste entirely. And I feel like my main problem with Ann is how her social link was handled.

A big problem that Ann faced in the beginning of the game is knowing that her friend, Shiho, was being abused by their gym teacher, Kamoshida. She’s having a crisis within herself because she feel powerless when it comes to helping the only person she truly consider a friend. Ann and Shiho’s dynamic and story could have played an interesting part in her social link, but instead we get her having some dumb back and forth with another model name Mika.

This bitch is wasting everybodies time

Now the reason I don’t like her social link is because to me, the Mika part of Ann social link, pretty much over shadowed the Shiho part of Ann’s social link. I believe that Ann social link should have focus more around Shiho and how Ann doesn’t know how to approach or comfort her friend after being through such a traumatic event. Show us Ann going to the hospital and helping Shiho through her rehabilitation. Ann whole issue was how she felt like she couldn’t be there for Shiho when she needed her most, why not show her trying her best to fix the past and being there for Shiho now. Instead of the whole dumb Mika crap.

You deserved better

In the end, maybe just having a Shiho social link would have been better, since we couldn’t get that in Ann’s social link. Shiho had an interesting story that could have been built upon and explored more. Persona is suppose to be a game that touches on real and hard hitting subjects. But I guess how to deal with a bitch of a rival model, is more important than dealing with overcoming abuse trauma.

Do you think As social link could have been better? Did you care about Mika at all? Do you think Shiho should have been developed more? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - Shiho 5 years ago
What a boring blog post to type about that you couldn’t do something else with your hate boner.
DesRed 5 years ago
Oh gawd, this just reminds of how bad Makoto's one was. I was looking forward to learning more about her, her sister, how her father was like with them when he was alive, but no we got a story about how she helps one selfish cunt to get out of a relationship ship with some dickface and they become "friends"!
Anon - Caswell 5 years ago
My complaint is that Ann had a cool setup of modeling as a hobby but wanting to be an actress, and then they just use that as a dumb one-note joke thats she bad at acting and make her go "Its a good thing that I got so pissy at this bitch. I should be a model!"

I agree that not focusing on the Shiho aspect was such a waste as well.
kaishi10 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
While I do agree that the Social Link itself could have been better and that Shiho deserved to be developed more, I'd also point out that in all P5 character cases - cultural pressure is lost and marginalized in translation. Every single P5 character in the original game ARE Outliers within the social context of Japanese HS Culture. The closest other Persona game where most of the main cast were like this would be P2
Anon - Vance 5 years ago
Talk about being a hater for basic when you’re pretty much a BASIC degenerate! LOL
Anon - ghj 5 years ago
"Persona is suppose to be a game that touches on real and hard hitting subjects. " In that aspect P5 definitely didn't work. the main story amounts to 15-17 year olds foiling those evil adults. Ryuji annoying shouts that a few times.
Anon - Anonymous 5 years ago
Manarkin 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
That is a problem with both P4 and P5. The way that the party members are also social links means that they are given the same formulaic 10-stage arc as the other social links, which makes it harder to tie their arc to the story. It was better in P3, where the party members weren't all social links, and their growth was tied to the story instead.
Anon - Anon 5 years ago
I love Anne!