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Horikoshi Can't Keep Out The Horny
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

Well, My Hero “fans” are at it again, being the worst supporters ever. A man just can’t be himself and express his love for the female body in its purest form. What are the My Hero “fans” bitching and going crazy over now you might ask? Well, they’re upset that Horikoshi drew a picture of Invisible Girl, Hagakure, being…not invisible?

Now fellas, we all knew the girl was naked, so why are we flipping out? The chads of the My Hero fandom are taking it in stride, but the neck beards and defenders of fake anime girls are not too happy with it.

You know what, I can agree with this one.

And there are way more complaints in the comments but these just give you an overall view of what people are complaining about. So like, have people forgotten that they’re reading a manga? Like, this is a shock to you. I saw this and thought, “damn, Hagakure looks cute when she’s not invisible, and the art looks hella good.” And I moved on with my life. But these people are vomiting at the mouth, and ripping their hair out at the fact that Horikoshi drew the character like he always has. These people would really flip if the “keep out” tape wasn’t there.

Heads are about to roll.

So another day, another young character getting lewded and people flipping out and thinking that this never happened before and doesn’t already happen alot in the anime and manga industry. I feel like if this is going to cause a problem in your life every time you see it, you’re going to need to start reading different kinds of books. I heard that Game of Thrones was good.

Do you think Horikoshi went too far with this drawing? Do you think My Hero fans are over reacting again? Do you think Horikoshi should have drawn Miruko’s fat ass slathered in baby oil instead? Tell us in the comments.