Say what you will about Seth MacFarlane's second best animated sitcom, I think it has it moments here and there but the absolute worst comes when the writers think referencing a meme from a few years ago counts as a joke. It happened with "diabeetus", the Trololo song and Chuck Norris memes, but this latest one has to be seen to be believed.
Brief Encounter is episode 5 of series 20. Airing on 24 October, it follows Peter and Quagmire accidentally swapping underwear after a laundromat mishap. A typically wacky setup for a Family Guy episode with all the non-sequitur jokes and cutaways the show is known for, then it takes a bizarre turn in the last few seconds before the credits roll.
Somehow, this is real. Stewie asks Brian if he wants to end the show with a "to be continued meme", then shoots him with a rocket launcher as the screen freezes to a familiar bass lick. The freeze frame, the sepia filter, that arrow, even fucking Roundabout by Yes - yes, that is unmistakably a JoJo reference, even if the freeze frame joke isn't used quite right. The "to be continued" should hit before the rocket, smh.
Could there be a JJBA fan among the Family Guy staff? Or maybe it's inspired by the meme instead, referencing JoJo in a more... roundabout way? I've met people who've recognized the song from memes, but not from the anime that the meme came from in the first place. Then again, Family Guy has referenced and parodied anime a few times in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a weeb who wrote this.
What do you guys think of this? Do we have any Family Guy fans here? Sound off in the comments!
After working 8-10 hours on boat engines, by the time I get home I don't have the patience or energy to give a fuck about why a writer for a comedy did what they did.
I just want to eat my dinner, watch my funny haha show and go to bed.
Why does it even matter anyway?
Also what's the reference in the bottom image?
Yeah. Same thing here.
Like an articke said before, western producers know anime is popular but they also have trouble seeing why.