There’s a lot of hot female characters in Street Fighter 6, but I feel like the main stars of the roster are Chun-Li, Cammy, and Juri. Which I can’t argue with, they are some of the hottest girls in Street Fighter and dare I say, fighting games as a whole. But, I think we should give some loves to our newcomers. And if we don’t give them any love, artist FUGTRUP, will do it for us.
A Street Fighter 6 character that I see going through their rotation a lot is Manon. A female character that is hot in my opinion, but a lot of people discredited because of her long face, and tall body frame. But sometimes people are misguided, or just have mid opinions. But hopefully with FUGTRUP’s art, I can convince you otherwise.
You might not be a Manon lover, but hopefully FUGTRUP’s art has at least convinced you that you would smash if you had the opportunity.
Do you think Manon is hot? Have you seen FUGTRUP art before? Would you smash Manon? Tell us in the comments.