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Giving Yuki The Ass She Deserves
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 months ago

Yuji likes tall girls with big butts, like Jennifer Lawrence, so Yuki is the perfect fit. Or atleast, that’s what I thought, BUTT she’s missing one key component.

Yuji seem to still like it tho.

She has a nice ass, but it’s not what I’d call big. A tight and firm butt is nice too, don’t get me wrong, but Yuji said a big butt, so artists are going and writing the animators wrong, with some nice fat Yuki butts.

Now those are some butts that would make Jennifer Lawrence proud.


What do you think of Yuki? Do you think the animators didn’t do her butt justice? Do you like tall girls with big butts? Tell us in the comments.