It’s always great to see new doujin artists, it gives us a new art style to appreciate, and a new way to experience a story (even if most of them are just fat old guys and rape, so there;s nothing new really.) But today, this doujin artist doesn't draw fat old guys and rape, well not yet atleast. Today I’m talking about an up incoming doujin artist that goes by the name Kid (and no it’s not an actual kid...at least...I don’t think…)
Let's Try Not To Kill Each Other, Okay..?
Now who said only Japanese people were allowed to draw doujin, not me! Kid is a France doujin artist, and at this point has worked on two. One that they’ve said their top embarrassed to release for free,(what a pussy) and a amazing Toga doujin, that you can check out HERE on the site!
This was Kid’s first My Hero Academia Doujinshi Fanbook, and hopefully not his last.
If you enjoy his Toga doujin and want to support even more of his creations, how about you hit up his PATREON!
Do you think anyone no matter of origin can create doujins? Do you think Kid can become a great doujin artist? Is Toga bae? Tell us in the comments below.